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RE: Morality Is Subjective

in #morality8 years ago (edited)

Morality is subjective. Lets teach that in moral class.
Why bother having moral classes if morality is subjective?

Isn't that like saying, They should teach voluntaryism, in civics class.

Seriously. We don't need moral class, with so called experts or professors or scientists.
Morality is subjective, only an individual with all his subjectivity can have a concept of morality and maybe choose moral principles, although choice is also subjective. But he's free to choose to believe he has a choice to see morality as objective and live by certain principals, that's the funny thing of life.
Or maybe an individual just lives his life without ever thinking about morality. Does that even matter.
Why even bother talking about morality? If morality is subjective?

And getting science or the scientific method involved doesn't make morality more objective or measurable……..that is…....if you truly believe morality is subjective.
You can't proof that morality is subjective……... or objective for that “matter”
That's proofs for it's subjectiveness for the believers that say: “Morality is subjective and that's the objective truth…. believe me...I studied science first and than philosophy so I'm an authority on morality.

The people that say morality is subjective, are distracting people with sophist rhetoric in the meanwhile stealing, aggressing against and murdering everyone around them, and saying to their victim's that they must proof theft is theft, aggression is aggression and murder is murder and that morality must be proven as being objective before their victim's can call the thief a thief, the aggressor aggressor, and the murderer, murderer. This game is called politics, and I'm not playing.