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RE: Morality Is Subjective

in #morality8 years ago

arguing with relativists is pointless. not having the constraints of logic allows them to make up anything they want. the conflation of logic as a dynamic derived from natural law, and the internal logic of a system constructed of subjectivity seems to be the crux of this. the intellectually honest will eventually see the truth. the rest will believe whatever they want. true believers are not to be convinced otherwise.


What the fuck you are talking about?

How can you be absolute in a world you can barely understand of even grasp? Do you think philosophy is just shoving your head up your ass the being absolute about things? Almost everything you know and understand comes from another source. Every single input comes from sources beyond your control that begins with your genes and ends with your limited senses.

The intellectually honest accept ignorance since day by day what you know as true changes. If you dount any of this check history.

You are the true believee. The absolutist, the "objectivist" that does not allow room for doubt.

i wasn't trying to be a jerk. i probably failed. i'm good at that.

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