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RE: Morality Is Subjective

in #morality8 years ago

The state of the world does not say much. The fact that murder takes place does not mean it is justifiable. It may also simply mean people are immoral. Any one you ask: is it OK if someone just comes and murders you, they will say no. It seems to me that being murdered is considered universally wrong (99.99%). If these people think it is OK for them to murder others it just shows inconsistent thinking. Not that murder is acceptable.

I don't think black swan means what you think it means.


"The fact that murder takes place does not mean it is justifiable."

It actually means that. it means that people, the vast majority accept it as part of our moral reality.

"ny one you ask: is it OK if someone just comes and murders you, they will say no."

True but that doesn't mean anything other than we share the same moral, not the same morality. Read my article again. I actually have a picture illustrating this point.

" If these people think it is OK for them to murder others it just shows inconsistent thinking."

not really since there are different cases where murder is ok. e.g at war or dfending onself. again. context is vital.

"I don't think black swan means what you think it means."

oh yes it is. small occurances of small non important moral event such as slave-camps in india and china or africa create political conflict, overthrow goverments and then we get the refugees hating the western citizens that keep their employers enslaving them.

don't worry i read the book. it applies to economics as much as it applies to morality.

"we share the same moral, not the same morality"

I think we partly share the same "ethics" ("don't kill other peaceful people"-ish), but likely not the core moral ideals that we have chosen and that we can call "morality".