No pelts on power armour!

The Animal rights group PETA have asked the company that make the Warhammer games to remove pelt from their miniatures.
The ridiculous request has been meet with laughter (here is the discussion on PETA's own website ) as the Warhammer 40,000 game is played in a rather dystopian sci fi-universe, described in the original rulebook like this:
"For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, and for whom blood is drunk and flesh eaten. Human blood and human flesh - the stuff of which the imperium is made."
"There is no time for peace. No respite. No forgiveness. There is only WAR."
Worrying about the bad influence of sculpted pelt in lead and plastic miniatures, seem a bit crazy when considering the same miniatures also wear severed heads and sometimes even human pelt!
On a more solemn note: PETA is not the only organisation that feel they should stop evil even before it has been thought. The idea that it is somehow necessary to control other peoples minds is spreading like a wildfire, both on the left and right of the political spectrum.
Sadly I have this feeling that the further we move away from 1939-1945 in time the more this mentality gain ground. PETA's request is just a symptom of something far more chilling.
Image of Space Wolf hero with wolf fur. Found here.
It's also worrying that they didn't notice that PETA is a little close to PITA. Perhaps they really don't want people to take them seriously.
Haha! yes, they might be like the serial killer who wants to be caught.
I was thinking more controlled-opposition
A lot of work goes into making the original model from which the dies are painstakingly made. There is no way to just "remove" the pelts. It is not autocad or paintshop where you can just erase a layer. You have to do the entire process over.
Basically, PETA comes in and asks, politely, "would you mind taking all of the work you did last year and throw it away? It shouldn't be much trouble, right?"
PETA really is an evil group.