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RE: Game Chang'e(r) | China Lands First Ever Probe on Dark Side of the Moon

in #moon6 years ago

Sure, they could land a lunar rover in the same locations as the Americans but in terms of accomplishments don't you think it is or would be much more significant if the Chinese surpassed America in some way?
From this perspective they have done just that, and gone beyond America by accomplishing a feat that America has not (whether real or staged).

I don't doubt your theory, but perhaps the Chinese are giving the American's a wink and a nod with their recent accomplishments. I don't have the article at the ready but I read something to this effect last year that when the Chinese landed the Chang'e 3 (which went down after 40 days) they may have discovered something in the process. Either with something they did discover or in the absence of a discovery.
Some have theorized that the Chang'e 3 did not suffer from mechanical failure but that perhaps there was another reason for its shutdown.

The Chang'e 3 landed not too far from the Apollo 15 mission site.

chang e3.jpg

ChanE3 2nd.jpg

Of particular interest here is one striking photograph captured by the Chang'e 3 that some believe reveals the presence of some sort of structure on the moon's surface.

chang moon structure 1.jpg

chang moon structure 2.jpg

I've touched on this before in a previous posts if it interests you at all.


I'll check out your post, but I'm surprised that you of all people think any of this is anything other than a giant scam to steal $ from American taxpayers!

Do you really believe anything, manned or unmanned, has ever landed on the moon?

unmanned yeah, like a dart on a dartboard.

I hear radiation up there is pretty intense, strong enough to go through those kit-kat wrapper suits anyway.

Not that they would know - never having been there...

I hear it's made of cheese and there are mice that have been seen by remote viewing (RV)

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