The latest 7 news about the moon, 2018:

in #moon6 years ago




  1. Former CIA pilot: The moon is inhabited by “gray”, and Earth is the prison planet of

John Lear, the former CIA pilot claims that the Moon not only is habitable, but also has a population of about 250 million humanoids.

Prior to working for the CIA, John Ler served as a captain in the US air force, and he had more than 100 certificates for piloting the corresponding number of aircraft and helicopters for resignation.

After his dismissal from the CIA, John Lehr has been involved in private investigations of anomalous events related to Area 51 in Nevada for many years and has been working hard to uncover a conspiracy around US government contacts with aliens.

“You demand photographs and other evidence from me,” says John Ler during one of his public lectures, “Fortunately, I cannot show you anything, because if I had any evidence, I would be dead ".

According to John Ler, the Moon is a completely artificial body. This is a humanoid space station, it was assembled inside Jupiter about 40 million years ago. About 15,000 years ago, there was something badly broken and the station was stuck in Earth orbit, which caused the Ice Age on the planet.

Inside the moon live humanoids, known to ufologists as Gray. There are about 250 million of them and they have some factories and laboratories on the moon. At the same time, the surface of the moon is not covered with craters, as we all think. In fact, what we see is a gigantic hologram masking the surface of the station.

According to John Lehr, he saw this real artificial surface. Moreover, John Ler argues that the Earth is not just “some kind of planet lost in space,” but a fully controlled prison planet where various guilty planets from other planets, millions in space, are referred to.

Finally, about the flight of Apollo to the moon, John Lehr says things quite amazing. All of these flights were shot down in Hollywood by complete fiction, since the US military, and possibly other military men, have been flying to the moon since at least 1946. They use devices based on Tesla technology, in which the US government has invested and continues to invest huge amounts of money for decades.

  1. The moon declared the base of aliens, inhabited by thousands of aliens

Unusually dark depression on the surface of the moon, which can be seen in the photo from an artificial satellite, ufologists considered aliens to enter the base. At the same time, conspiracy theorists say that it is not even about an alien base on the Moon, but that this whole cosmic body is a huge artificial object, looking like a natural celestial body, but from the inside inhabited by representatives of an alien civilization.

The picture, which attracted the attention of self-proclaimed specialists, was taken by the orbital station of the NASA American aerospace agency called Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. According to the author of the video dedicated to the “discovery”, the artificial origin of the tunnel is evidenced not only by the fact that it seems unnaturally deep, but also by the correct shape, as well as small points around it, which can also be seen in the picture and which, as the ufologist claims are a sign of "activity" of aliens.

Reports of ufologists who saw in some obscure outlines on the surface of other planets or even Earth traces of a visit of aliens or local fauna almost always appear on the Internet with an enviable frequency, however recently the number of “sensations” of this kind has been high even by this measure. More recently it was reported about the “cash register” discovered on Mars, not long before this - about the alien spacecraft crashed in Antarctica, a little earlier - about three huge spaceships heading towards the Sun, and before that - about the tank left by aliens on the Moon . However, in all likelihood, both these and many other similar discoveries are just a play of light or stones of unusual shape, the nature of which was quite freely interpreted by lovers of loud news.
(Dmitry Istrov)

  1. Anomalies of the Moon: The planet has its own underground world with living organisms.

For people, the Moon has always been associated with a lifeless celestial body located near our planet, but for scientists it remains a huge anomalous zone that needs to be studied. Recent discoveries have shown that there exists its own underground world along with living organisms.

Today, humanity can be proud of its technology, allowing to study space objects that can change the usual theories of astronomers. However, they cannot understand the nature of the satellite's orbit, because after studying the parameters, periodic changes in the gravity field were discovered. While there is a version of the lunar core, which has a different rotation, as well as its boundary layer and asthenosphere have a liquid layer that allows the celestial body to move, similar to the bearing. Using the model, scientists have discovered such processes that heat the bowels, only new information completely contradicts the hypotheses regarding the origin of the moon. No wonder ufologists consider it an alien creation of aliens, where their bases are located, and also from this place you can control the actions of earthlings.

At this, the secrets of the usual night luminary did not end, because when the experts received samples of rocks delivered by vehicles, they noticed the presence of water resources enclosed in stones. Volcanic glass contained inside the liquid, so that its reserves may be located in the depths of the satellite. This discovery struck the scientific world and made it possible for the hypothesis regarding the colonization of the object and the construction of bases. However, these stocks could in ancient times be on the surface and become a source of life for many organisms. Scientists discovered that 3 billion years ago, the atmospheric layers of this miracle were much denser than on the Red Planet, as basalt samples eloquently indicate. This breed is born after volcanic eruptions, flooding the surface with liquid lava, as a result of which whole “seas” were created.

After cooling, it lost many compounds with water, but due to the large amount of emissions, the gas did not have time to just fly into outer space, so that the celestial body had all the conditions for the development of the simplest organisms in the form of bacteria. Then, asteroids and volcanic explosions together with the ground transferred them to the Earth or vice versa, because the satellite was then much closer to it than at the moment. We can recall the story of Belyaev, when astronauts, after disembarking the object, found a mysterious shadow resembling a grid. When people came closer, they saw the remains of a creature resembling a dinosaur. But how could a writer know about such things? In the 1970s, the Americans abruptly stopped continuing their missions to the moon, however, the staff of TMM, together with Professor Richard Hoagland, carefully studied all the images with unusual elevations. Then they were processed with the help of a program to find out the nature of the rock formations, after which people were shocked by the correct forms of “moon domes”, obviously made in an artificial way. In the crater Ukert there is a peaked analog, which has remained unchanged since antiquity, after which structures resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its projects related to the construction of facilities, it wanted to use steel together with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 60s, astronauts captured the area covered with protective panels, under which were unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask for negatives at the agency, it turned out that they simply disappeared or all important places were retouched. after which people were shocked by the correct forms of “moon domes”, obviously made in an artificial way. In the crater Ukert there is a peaked analog, which has remained unchanged since antiquity, after which structures resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its projects related to the construction of facilities, it wanted to use steel together with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 60s, astronauts captured the area covered with protective panels, under which were unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask for negatives at the agency, it turned out that they simply disappeared or all important places were retouched. after which people were shocked by the correct forms of “moon domes”, obviously made in an artificial way. In the crater Ukert there is a peaked analog, which has remained unchanged since antiquity, after which structures resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its projects related to the construction of facilities, it wanted to use steel together with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 60s, astronauts captured the area covered with protective panels, under which were unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask for negatives at the agency, it turned out that they simply disappeared or all important places were retouched. after which structures resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its projects related to the construction of facilities, it wanted to use steel together with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 60s, astronauts captured the area covered with protective panels, under which were unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask for negatives at the agency, it turned out that they simply disappeared or all important places were retouched. after which structures resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its projects related to the construction of facilities, it wanted to use steel together with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 60s, astronauts captured the area covered with protective panels, under which were unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask for negatives at the agency, it turned out that they simply disappeared or all important places were retouched.

When Herbert Well compared the satellite with a huge anthill, he was right. Last year, a group of Japanese astronomers noticed deep underground tunnels here, stretching for long distances. Then a huge hole was found in the “Marius Hills” with anomalous patches pointing to voids and dungeons. In the 90s, scientists made an amazing discovery while studying rocks. It turned out that they preserved living organisms that existed in such a world and never come to the surface. There are also nematodes on the planet along with other simplest species, but such analogs can still feel great at great depths, only new discoveries give rise to even more questions from scientists who are yet to be solved in the future.

There is a hypothesis about selenites living on their land from far times. They can provoke the appearance of various light effects and obscure phenomena on the lunar surface, as well as an extraterrestrial civilization associated with UFO activity. Researchers consider the planet a giant ship, which came here from another galaxy outside the solar system, which brought creatures that created people. The latest version was the theory of the races that lived on our planet before such events. They successfully colonized Mars along with Venus and other habitable planets, but after colliding with aggressive humanoids, the selected objects were destroyed because of the war. Echoes of those events can be found in the legends of many nations, and the idea of ​​using the moon as a transport is not insane. Astronomers have discovered 30 celestial bodies,

  1. Aliens' ship discovered on the Moon

A well-known ufologist, conspiracy theology and virtual archaeologist George Graham, who hosts YouTube Streetcap1, claims that he managed to find another amazing anomaly in the pictures of the Moon. The specialist says that he was looking at the photos taken by the Chinese automatic interplanetary station Chang'e-3, and noticed on one and the frames a large man-made object, clearly resembling a spacecraft. However, the man clearly could not create such an aircraft, and therefore the researcher concluded that we are talking about a spaceship aliens.

Here is what Graham writes:

I don't know what else it could be. Look at the details of this object. I did not process the photo in any way: I did not change the brightness, contrast or color. This is exactly what a fragment of the photo from the lunar mission of the Chinese device Chang'e-3 looks like. Every time I make such finds, I am seriously surprised. But what amazes me is not the fact that there are many traces of sentient beings on the Moon or Mars. About this, and so they know everyone who needs. It’s harder to believe that nobody discovered these objects before me. Didn’t the scientists of the Chinese National Space Administration notice this ship, which stood out against the background of the lunar landscape? Yes, and representatives of NASA, no doubt, had to scrupulously study the materials of their colleagues.

  1. Buildings on the moon: Who built them? Aliens or NASA?

Buildings on the Moon: Who Built Them? Aliens or NASA?
This video caused intense assumptions that there could be a secret colony of aliens on the moon.

Frames uploaded to YouTube were perceived as evidence of a long-term conspiracy theory that there are buildings on the moon that can be built by aliens or be NASA's secret base.

Most of the videos or images put forward in the past as evidence of conspiracy theories showed fuzzy white objects, many of which were rock formations.

Nevertheless, the new frames claim to have some of the most vivid and clear pictures of structures on the moon.

The clip shows how the landing module at a slow speed approaches the surface of the moon.

The famous lunar craters are in focus of the camera.

But the mysterious, L-shaped structure enters the lens, and these shots immediately caused numerous versions of the conspiracy theory of alien colonies in space.

The video was published on December 29 last year on the YouTube channel “UFOmania - the truth is there” and has already managed to gain thousands of views.

This was followed by a headline: “Never before viewed footage did not show such buildings on the moon.

"This is 100 percent clear."

“The old frames show structures, clear geometric structures that in no way resemble natural formations or moon rocks.

"What do you think? Share your thoughts. ”

Some viewers were confused by the clip, with one entry on YouTube: “Nice find, well done”.

Although many other viewers perceived the video as a fake.

One published: "There is no shadow in your so-called structures."

Another added: “Can you provide some proof of the authenticity of the frames?”

Another user added “if you pause this video at 0:55 and look at the lower right side, you can clearly see the Pyramid. Can anyone else see it? ”

While one just asks:“ Who was above this craft? ” showed a video for debunking Scott Brando, who runs .

He said that it was a clean fake and created on the original image of NASA without an L-shaped object and without a landing module in the frame.

He also found the original NASA image of the Apollo 11 lunar module above the Moon with the Earth in the background, which was used to cut out a ship for use in deception.

He created a gif showing how they were added.

In addition, he found that in May 2014, on the cover of another YouTube channel, UFO Science Ovni, a film about hobby was made, so there was not even a new video.

Mr. Brando said: "Hoax exposed."

We contacted the UFO Mania over the frame.

A spokesman said: "This video was sent to us anonymously (source), and at that time we could not find the source of this video, but it was interesting enough for us to publish it on our YouTube channel."

  1. Ufologist discovered the real city of aliens on the moon.

Well-known ufologist George Graham shared a new video on his YouTube channel, where he spoke about another discovery. So, in the picture of the Chinese interplanetary station "Chang'e-3" he saw something unusual, resembling a city of aliens.

The expert simply enlarged the photo and saw the multi-colored domes. It is noteworthy that the distance between some "settlements" is the same, and this is very rare in nature. The photo has no processing and is published without any filters, the ufologist notes.

The discovery of an alien city is a kind of confirmation of earlier information that the moon is an artificially created body, which currently has about 250 million aliens.

Opinions of users regarding the opening, as always, are divided. Someone is 100% sure that there are no aliens, and someone has long thought about the bases of humanoids on the Moon.
(Reshetnikova Irina)

  1. Former NASA employee unveiled a photo with a lunar base of aliens.

Ex-employee of NASA, Ken Johnson around the world showed photos from his archive. In this picture you see the module of the Apollo mission, which is now located above the Moon. The image clearly shows the base of aliens. The photo was taken by astronauts in the process of separating the module, and for many years any information about this image, like many others taken during the Apollo program, was kept secret.

Initially, the photos should be destroyed, but Ken Johnson hid some of the pictures. In the photo, on the left side of the module you can clearly see several luminous points arranged in straight lines.

World-famous ufologist Scott K. Waring expressed his opinion about this image, in his words he said: "This is actually a great scientific discovery." It is important to note that a large number of other white structures were found on the surface of the moon, as well as on other planets.

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