Moon Rocket Coin: Providing Shelter for the Homeless and Preserving the Value of Investor's Assets Using Blockchain Technology!

in #moon3 years ago

Hello everyone, welcome to my new interesting topic…
I am here to inform you all by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project Moon Rocket Coin so for that, consider the article below to get an overview of this project and how it is going to happen. Provide a very good and attractive offer for all. Immediately, we continue the discussion below


Introduction to Moon Rocket Coin

Moon Rocket Coin is one of the most ambitious project I have come across. The team tries to do a lot of things at the same time and guess what? They do it right. Firstly the project is a social good project brewed from a heart of compassion from the team members in the form of charity for homeless people on a global scale. I have come across and thought about this problem but have never phantom-ed a solution to this problem in the way the team has improvised to meet a global appeal. Current Social good project primarily concentrates on accepting donations or grants and distributing them to charity, initiating programs that facilitates the improvement of environmental quality and initiatives poised towards the optimization of energy usage and distribution. Second, the team also expertly tackles another prevalent problem in the cryptocurrency industry in a professional manner and its with the problem of whale dumping and the depreciation of a digital asset’s price just after the launch of the asset in an exchange market or its existence after a period of time. Just recently, Shiba Inu, a popular meme coin experienced massive dumping from dumpers holding the asset. This caused a quake in the asset’s price thus causing it to depreciate in the Coinmarketcap rankings though it recovered due to its popularity and consistent daily trade volume range. If the asset was not in the class of Shiba, the project would have crashed without redemption. Moon Rocket Coin’s core team has cleverly created a safe haven where investors can put in their hard earn cash and be shielded by depreciation by whales or by any market force. The project also implements its vision using Binance Smart Chain which is a treat.


A Review of Moon Rocket Coin

Moon Rocket Coin is a decentralized token or digital asset that is built using the Binance Smart Chain for the sole purpose of maximizing profit for her investors. When we talk of Decentralized, we talk of an asset that does not require any centralization or regulatory body to operate. It can function independently and anomalously and is being managed by a group of seasoned engineers. Moon Rocket Coin is an asset with high stability and potential for success. The core team ensures Moon Rocket Coin possesses integrity and is transparent. The team is also strategic and indulges in itself in an endless research to ensure that new innovative ideas and approaches are always implemented. It is clear the team has put investors at the helm of affairs by presenting opportunities to investors that delivers huge returns.

Here is a short video review:

Moon Rocket Coin Core Team’s Strategic Approach

The core team believes in financial resilience that can withstand the attack and force of whales. The team has achieved this by studying and highlighting the faults of most crypto tokens and then creating an entire system to back MRC up with a constant support. The approaches that would be highlighted below will create a safe haven for investors who intend to swap between cryptocurrencies , operate between multiple wallets, Stake, Send and Revive tokens and other activities related to cryptocurrency.

Moon Rocket Coin making strides in the Homelessness Charity Industry.

As of this documentation, they are about 1.6 Billion un-housed inhabitants globally. The individuals are strong users of public resources and do not contribute to the increment of the Gross Domestic Product of their country in anyway. These individuals are victims of circumstance, they fall prey to thugs which engages them in domestic violence or they falls prey to sexual assulters because there is no protective cover in the place of shelter above their head. The core team behind Moon Rocket Coin have noticed this prevalent problem and have decided to wade in to proffer a solution. The team aims to get in contact with numerous homeless organizations and then join them in resettling families in homes and also assisting individuals who have been living in the street for quite some time by providing shelter for them and enrolling them in vocational exercises. Again the team aims to provide homes for individuals who have lost their bearing due to sensitive cases such as drug abuse. Moon Rocket Coin’s core team will donate funds to rehabilitation centers to aid them in bringing back sanity to the affected individuals and then assist them in settling down when then in decent homes when the get back on their feet. Several causes of homelessness can range from Family Disintegration to Mental Illness, to drug additions to sexual molestation. Again several factors such as Unemployment which leads to financial instability can lead to homelessness or basically the expensive prices of housing facilities in a particular geographical location. The team aims to direct some funds from the $2.7 Trillion cryptocurrency industry into their concept enabling every homeless family and person find a suitable place to dwell.


Using Blockchain Technology to tackle Homelessness

The team is carrying out an innovative ground breaking action by implementing blockchain technology to solve the problem of homelessness. Blockchain would help the team track funds transparently. The team’s future programming is built to supply more automatic means of disbursing funds to needed geographical locations. I have recently worked on a project where I aspired to built a Master-node in diversifying my stream of incomes. The core team will provide a Master-node to each charity organizations to help them in generating funds on a constant bases to meet their financial needs. The team also plans to train most of the charity organization staffs on the intricacies of Cryptocurrency.


Ensuring Cyber Security by employing Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Network

This new network was designed to have an edge over the Ethereum smart chain and other chains by delivering a security based smart contract at a much quicker and productive rate. Transactions are fast on the BSC and are also affordable, positioning it as one of the most pronounced Blockchain network for Decentralized Finance. BSC’s symbolic representation is BEP-20. All the factors enumerated above made the Moon Rocket Coin core team see Binance Smart Chain network as the ideal chain for powering their token.

Moon Rocket Coin’s Strategy for Limiting The Impact of Crypto Whales and Market Chrashes

Crypto whales are individuals who don’t really care about the posterity of a project. They are basically after making profits thus money and don’t let anything stand on their way. After many project’s initial coin offering (ICO), the whales dump their purchased tokens in the market most times even below the ICO price making supply exceed demand, Thus crashing the token price. Most project never recover from this devastating effect making investors loose confidence in the project, leading to its demise; this is also so If the core team does not have a suitable preposition to sustain their project. Moon Rocket Coin’s core team have imposed several restrictions and other implementations that can help sustain their token’s price.
Here are some the restrictions the core team have imposed that would most definately sustain the asset’s price.

. The team have ensured that the maximum amount of MRC you can buy per transaction is 100,000 MRC. Ensuring nobody has too much to crash the price.

. The team have ensured that a maximum sell limited of 0.01% of the total circulating MRC supply is maintained. To enforce this, any transaction over this amount would fail and be reverted.

. Also, transfers more than 0.01% would scale through. This means an investor won’t be able to send tokens to another wallet over this amount. These steps are ingenious from the core team.

How Moon Rocket Coin’s system works.

The core team imposes a Sell Tax of 14% on every transaction and this is how the deduction is segmented.

8% of this amount would be used to enact a buyback once the manual process has been executed.

20% of the tax would be held in the development wallet for further development actions and some directed towards new exchange listings.

5% would be stored in a seperate wallet and used for charity donations

5% would be used as a reward incentive for the community members.

2% Reflection- would be distributed straight to holders wallet when there is a sell action from any of the community member.

8% of the fund would be used to buy back and Burn

2% Development – would be subtracted and would be used for the facilitation of the project and for marketing.

1% Liquidity – would be automatically directed to the pool.

1% Charity

Will be stored and donated to charity organizations to help shelter those who are homeless and aid with drugs and alcohol abuse.

Sell Tax 14%

8% Buyback

2% Reflection

2% Development

1% liquidity

1% Charity

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Benefits of Users and How to make Profit off Moon Rocket Coins

(I) Staking

This is a new way to make money in the cryptocurrency industry. It involves engaging your tokens in a fix deposit way. You send your tokens to an MRC designated wallet address and get rewarded for helping in maintaining the integrity of the network and in helping and organizing transactions. It is a form of Proof of Stake algorithm and does not require any mining machine to use. Preserving power supply and encouraging a green environment. You can earn more MRC tokens by staking your purchased or acquired tokens, ensuring a passive stream of income.

(ii) Holding

Not only can the price appreciate significantly, the holders earn passively from the 2% reflections associated with each transfer. I earn passively in this fashion with a current token. You can earn more MRC with this approach. Just store your tokens in your personal wallet.

(iii) Participating in the daily Airdrops

The core team has mapped out 7% of the entire tokens to reward those that engage in the frequent competitions in the form of Airdrops. The draws would be conducted daily. One can earn passively through this means.

(iv) Blacklist Function

This function blocks non human purchases. Any Bot’s attempt to make purchases is rejected by the system and the wallet associated with this transaction is thus Banned permanently. This would help ensure that the transactions in the system are organic.

Moon Rocket Coin App

The Core team at Moon Rocket Coin has built an App with incredible functionalities. This presents advantages to the MRC clients. The rates on investment are affordable here, Staking actions area seamless and the storage of cryptocurreny are safe and secure. This app stands tall among its contemporary apps. It is available in Apple world and Google playstore.

App and its Functionality

Multiple Cryptocurrency digital assets are present

Clear and accurate wallet balance

Decentralized App

Order booker

Indicators fully customizable to user’s taste

Multiple wallets functionality

Coins historic data from 1 minute to 2 years analysis

News and Social updates

Live market with market balancing

Calculator (Cryptocurrency based)

Add notifications easily by double clicking on the chart

Fully responsive (Mobile, Tablet) and advanced optimization feature

Send and receive features


Academy for intuitive learning

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Moon Rocket Coin Tokenomics

Network Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)

Token Name: Moon Rocket Coin

Token Ticker: MRC

Total Token Supply: 100 million

Early sales 15% -15 million

Private sales 30% 30 million

Team 8% - 8 million

Research/development - 8% - 8 million

Airdrop - 7% - 7 million

Charity - 2% - 2 million

Liquidity token - 30% - 30 million

Contract Address: 0x9299c132c34e691edea58102d276a61a0a622dbd

Charity Wallet Address: 0xC53d79AE12967b6A01c50d7CD1b7957547504eBe

Road Map

Moon Rocket Coin core team will monitor and track its growth and level of progress through a detailed Road Map. The team's goal is to fulfill all the agendas and milestone displayed in the roadmap one step at a time.



Its refreshing and exhilarating to know that a cryptocurrency company is actually considering the cause of the homeless on a global scale. They have created an ingenious system using Blockchain technology that can generate funds and help distribute the funds to charity organizations. Again the team has fashioned their asset in a way to be a safe haven for those that would want to use cryptocurrency to store their wealth. No more worries regarding depreciation since enough brilliant stringent measures have been put in place to help combat dumping and help sustain price. Moon Rocket Coin would be a relief for those seeking for shelter and those worried about the volatility and instability of the cryptocurrency market. Kindly visit the website for more information.

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Author's Information:

Name: CryptoboyRamesh

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