Steemit Monthly Author Challenge: Day 17!


Hi everyone!:)

We started our party already! It's only 1,5 hours to 2018 year! Can you believe it???

Have a great celebration and don't forget to participate in a very cool contest initiated by @future24 !

Rules of the Steemit Monthly Author Challenge:

Post 1 article with a photo of your life every day for one month and use the tag #monthlyauthorchallenge for this posts.

You don´t have to add a detailed describtion to your photo article and it can be a quick photo post with Steepshot for example too. (But don´t forget the #monthlyauthorchallenge tag!)

The photo of your life don´t has to be up-to-date, but not older than 1 year.

To make it more comfortable for everyone, you don´t have to nominate someone for the challenge every day in your daily post. Nominating is voluntary, but to share this fun, I would suggest to nominate some other Steemians from time to time, so that you can do this funny challenge together.

Your challenge ends when you reached the Monthy Author badget on and then just make a final post that you finished the challenge. 👌

Let's have fun:))))

Best wishes,



С Новым Годом, желаю Вам всего самого лучшего, пусть все Ваши желания сбываются, мирного неба над головой, здоровья, любви, счастья, финансовой независимости и удачи.

Спасибо большоооое:) С Новым Годом!!! 😘😘😘

Олю вітаю вас Максом з Новим роком. Нехай в ньому буде багато гарних днів. Успіхів на Стіміті )

Дуже дякую!!! З новим роком 😊😊😊😊😘😘😘

looks new.
Happy New Year!!!

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