【Vicky’s电影/电视剧推荐】英国式丑闻 A Very English Scandal


前阵子Vicky曾介绍给大家日本一部由深夜SP开始爆红,继而出了日播剧的《大叔之爱 Ossan's Love》,小伙伴们的评论基本成两个极端。男生大多直截了当说没眼看,totally的接受不到。至于女生勒,大多和我一样一路尖叫着看完⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ 今天,Vicky同样要介绍一部同性题材的片子:英国式丑闻

Recently, I introduced a Japanese TV drama [Ossan's Love] (https://cnsteem.org/cn-reader/@nostalgic1212/vicky-s-ossan-s-love), and my friends' comments divided into two extremes. The male audience totally cannot accept it, while the females screaming when they watching the drama, just like me. Today, I'm also going to introduce a homosexual TV series: A Very English Scandal.


剧情介绍  The Plot Synopsis


The British drama is based on the case of Jeremy Thorpe, the most sensational political scandal in modern British history. Jeremy Thorpe, a patrician, was once Britain's most popular politician in the 1960s. He is the leader of Britain's liberal party and is expected to become a deputy prime minister in 1974. And this Mr.Big, has a penchant for having sex with males.



Although when we mentioned the UK, we'll describe it as the "British Gaydom", homosexual sex in the UK was illegal until 1967, and any homosexual behavior will face serious criminal penalties.


Thorpe refused to give Scott a social security card after breaking up with him for fear of being connected with him by the public. Note: in Britain, social security cards were almost like identity cards in our country. If you don't have a social security card, you don't have an identity, which means you can't get health insurance, or apply for a job. You can't even have a part-time job.



Scott wanted to make Thorpe's homosexuality public. For Thorpe, that was the end of his political career, so he decided to send someone to kill Scott. But the killer was so weak that he missed Scott and killed his dog instead. Scott was so angry that he determined to suit Thorpe. With the help of a group of well-wishers, he finally put the polished scoundrels on trial.


In 1979, Thorpe was charged with the murder of his former lover, which made him as the first British politician ever to be tried for murder. Although he was eventually acquitted by the court, he had to end his political career early for losing the hearts of the public.


写在后面  Comments


Hugh Grant plays Jeremy Thorpe, the leader of the liberal party, and Ben Whishaw plays his young lover.


Hugh Grant is incredibly handsome when he was young, and he starred in a number of classic love movies: Sense and Sensibility, Maurice, Notting Hill, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Bridget Jones's Diary. Speaking of Ben Whishaw, I think everyone is familiar with the film Perfume.


The amazing parts are left for you to watch by yourself, so I won't reveal more about the plot here. If you're not a particularly committed anti-gay person, this British drama is well worth watching


Thank you for reading my articles. If you like me, plz follow @nostalgic1212, or upvote me and leave your comments on steemit. Thx a looooooot~


你今天过的开心吗?客官渴不渴,有没有去 @laodr 老道茶馆喝口热茶啊?倘若你想让我隐形,请回复“取消”。



男生大多直截了当说没眼看,totally的接受不到。至于女生勒,大多和我一样一路尖叫着看完⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ - 笑喷 XD


曾腐過一陣子而且超迷SHERLOCK的我,點開了大叔的愛有點不明所以... 沒追下去,但身邊有男的說好笑,女的也哇啦哇啦地說好看,或者某天閒得蛋痛再來翻案xD 這部有空也看看,好喜歡007的Q啊(心)再看柏丁頓熊2的組合,好微妙的關係


很像很好看! 有网上链接吗



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