Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
Drink and the devil had done for the rest
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum

(Old pirate song take from https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Stevenson%27s_Sailor_Song )


The greatest and most terrible dangers in the world is the Sea. A man on his background is like a little ant. The sea can easily kill him. Or wants to - spare and even reward.
But the stupid, presumptuous bug, for some reason decided that he could conquer the Sea and make a servant out of him.
The sea does not tolerate a disrespectful relationship, it is very easy for him to send a storm on you. And even after that, stupid people who were lucky enough to survive during the Storm, somehow believe that they managed to curb the Sea. How wrong they are!

The storm threw a pirate ship from side to side. The boards, beams and rigging of the ship, strained squeak. The masts threatened just about to break, like thin straws.
The sea is terrible.
At the helm of the ship stood a young beautiful girl. The girl's brows were shifted, her lips tightly compressed. His hair was fluttering in the wind.
Who, if not her, does not know how terrible the Sea can be. Huge twelve-meter waves, now and then hit the ship's side and poured the deck. The rain and wind whipped the faces of the sailors like a whip.
Rain is also the product of the Sea.
"Captain! Leak in the hold, we are flooded with water!" a hysterical cry from the major assistant.
"Turn on the pumps, you land shrimps!" - shouted the girl, - "Plug the hole! Pump out water! Forward! For work!"
The team fidgeted, noisy pumps, sailors dragged plasters and sandbags into the hold.

Once the Sea had already killed her.

"To scourge tali, to remove sails!" - commanded the girl, shouting the whistle of the wind.
"Yes, Captain!"
She will not allow this to happen the second time.
Heavy black clouds completely closed the sky. Thunder struck.
"Polundra!" - boatswain shouted - "Reefs right on the course!"
The girl standing at the helm, swore dirty through her teeth.

Here it is - the Sea in anger.

The captain, biting his lip, sharply turned the steering wheel to the left, trying to put the ship's nose under the waves.

The sea again wants to kill her.

The ship gave a thirty-degree roll. The sailors, swearing and swearing, got off their feet.
The girl froze.
She is here.
"Well, hello, Vandala Doubloons!"
"A thousand devils again!" - The captain did not hesitate in the expressions. Death itself came after her.
"Hello, River Styx, here you are" - she did not turn around, she said.
"Yes it's me!" came a whisper in his throat. Whisper of fate. Whisper of life. And the whisper of death.
And the smell of chocolate.
"You've already come to my soul a hundred and twelve years ago."
Sinister laughter in response.
"Everyone still believes that I'm only fourteen years old!" E-ho-ho! ".
A bright lightning split the sky in half. Jung the teenager squealed with fear.
"And that you are sixteen!"

Through the noise of the Sea and Wind, the magic singing of the sirens came.
"Sirens? But how?"
"Even in the storm, their voices break through the water."
The captain again sharply turned the wheel.
"Tell me why you came!"
"You already know for yourself," smiled the strange visitor.
"I know."
"You are still in the world of the living, although a long time ago, I must be in the realm of the dead.
The captain noticed that one young sailor stopped working and froze in place, drugged with the voices of sirens.
"Mr. Gibbs!" - she called to the boatswain - "Lock this fool in the cabin until he jumped overboard!"
Something hit hard on the ship's side.
"What was it?"
"I hope that the siren" was cheerfully answered by the Death Priestess.
"How much longer do I have left?" - asked the captain, breaking the pause.
"Not at all"
"Do I have to go?"
"You know yourself"
The pirate girl spat through her teeth.
"This time I can not get out?"
The ship crashed into the reef at full speed. Sailors excitedly rustled.
There was no answer
"You did not answer, What do you want for my soul this time?"
"Fifty souls of pirates."
The girl clucked her tongue.
"Not too much? Something expensive this time."
River Styxx shrugged.
"What did you think, what will I sell?"
There was a crackling - it broke the mainmast.
"I was actually promised to give a real scythe after I, at last, bring your undead soul to the afterlife."
Piratka looked at the purple bow tied at the end of Staff River.
"So, here for the sake of selfish interest?"
"This is life, nothing is given to us just like that."
"Who would talk about life."
River pretended not to hear.
"Then you know what it is ..."
The river got off the railing and a translucent shade, flew over the deck, without touching the boards.
"I need to give Aida your soul to get a braid ..."
"... I did not care that you and I have been friends for so long?" - Vandala finished her vengeance.
"Yes, and if I do not bring you, I will get a severe reprimand from Hades himself."
The captain snorted.
"I also ... The prince of the banana republic has found himself!"
"God forbid to get to him in disgrace - a little does not seem." - The priestess sat down on an empty barrel.
"And the crew?"
"Do you have anything to do with it?" River asked concernedly.
Vandal hesitated.
"Will you take them too?"
"Their souls and a rotten rope are not worth it, they do not even need me for nothing."
"Once, you already fled from me ... and Hades." Your body shell is now somewhere rotting on the bottom of the Sea, and the soul is now commanding this trough.
"This is not a trough, but the Salted Phantom is the best of pirate ships," the captain replied in an offended tone.
The priestess laughed softly. It smelled of hot chocolate.
"Well, you know better."

An awkward silence hung in the air.
So soon it's time to die. The ship will also sink. And the undead souls of sailors, hover between heaven and earth.
The captain's lips trembled. His eyes betrayed treacherously.
"Fifteen people on the dead man's chest ..." - she began softly to sing the old song, "Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"
Styx smiled wryly.
"Drink and the devil had done for the rest! Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"
In the eyes of both girls, there were tears.
"The mate was fixed by the bosun's pike." Vandala began to sing at full strength. "Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"
The storm intensified.
"The bosun brained with a marlinspike, Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"
The river flew to the bow of the ship.
"What their blood drinks and their chews chew." Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! "
Pirates, one after another, raised their heads and picked up the song.
"And cookey's throat was marked belike, Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"
... and looked at their captain in surprise.
"It had been gripped by fingers ten;, Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"
Waves hurled the ship like a toy.
"And there they lay, all good dead men ..."
"Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!" - picked up the boatswain.
"Like break o'day in a boozing ken."
"Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!" the young man sang, forgetting about fear.
Death listened with interest to the song.
"Fifteen men of a whole ship's list."
"Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum" - a cook was joined by the boatswain and the boy in a greased apron.
The captain smiled.
"Dead and be damned and the rest gone whist!" ...
"Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum."
Now almost the whole team sang.

The skipper lay with his nob in gore
Where the scullion's axe his cheek had shore
And the scullion he was stabbed times four
And there they lay and the soggy skies
Dripped all day long in up-staring eyes
At murk sunset and at foul sunrise
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

River, unnoticed by everyone, also began to sing along.

And he dragged them into the underwater house. "
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! the Dark Priestess sang one lips.

Poseidon listened.

Fifteen men of 'em stiff and stark
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
Ten of the crew had the murder mark!
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
'Twas a cutlass swipe or an ounce of lead
Or a yawing hole in a battered head
And the scuppers glut with a rotting red
And there they lay, aye, damn my eyes,
All lookouts clapped on Paradise
All souls bound just contrawise
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

From all over there was a merry laughter of pirates.
The captain of the Salted Phantom, smiling, turned to her old friend. Her face was stretched astonished. Where Death was, it was empty.
The crew of the ship watched every movement of the captain.
With quivering fingers the girl-captain took a note pinned to the helm with a bone pin.
"You bought your soul from Hades song"
Vandala Doublons smiled broadly and looked at the sky. The clouds were gone, and the waves calmed down. The sky was pink. The Sun was setting in the waters of the Sea.



This post has received a 0.24 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @megamonsterhigh.

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