Monsanto and Bayer - EvilCorps Unite

in #monsanto8 years ago (edited)


Here we have two mega-evil corps "uniting" under the corporatocracy for greater domination of the big pharma, modified seeds, chemicals and pesticide poison industries. Instead of EvilCorpA and EvilCorpB, now we get one mega-EvilCorp that will dominate over 1/4 of the world's seed and pesticide industry.

Earlier today on CNBC, I was watching them talk about how these two "wonderful" corporations are so great, as Monsanto is making a better world with GMO's and how superior their products are for farmers, helping them "feed the world" and make greater profits. All farmers should get in on the Monsanto corporate copyright seeding to help maximize their profits and "help the world" through GMO efficiency. And Bayer is just a bastion of "health" helping the world with "medicine".

All the talking heads on the news and business people care about is C.R.E.A.M. (Wu-Tang reference): Cash Rules Everything Around Me, dollah dollah bills ya'll!

Forget about the environmental damage and health impact on our lives from all the chemicals, and the wide use of glyphosates like RoundUp Ready. Everything is safe, there is no "proof" that they harm anything. If it's not a government approved test for safety, then ignore it... Just keep the business going so that people make money money money! Otherwise, well... JOBS! ECONOMY! We can't jeopardize two giants of industry and make people suffer for it, right?

People are using RoundUP without any concern for what it does to us... just like we use other chemicals ignorantly and don't think of the long term consequences to our actions. We act like damn robots!

Monsanto has this crazy idea that they can create genetically modified seeds, and then copyright them, and when these seeds pollinate other fields of other farmers, they sue them for using their copyrighted seeds because they didn't pay for the right to use the seeds! Imagine that, a natural process of pollination, where your crops get taken over by the seeding of GMO nasty crops, and you are the one to blame, owing them money for legal bullshit. Many Indian's committed suicide as result of this bullshit.

Genetically modified seeds can be useful, but in the hands of an EvilCorp like Monsanto, it's just disaster for innocent people.


And look at the crops that are "resistant" to bugs, isn't it great? Well, the crops aren't resistant to the bugs, the crops are modified to survive heavy doses of chemical toxic poison pesticide and resist being dead as a result... LOL! Ever see what RoundUp does to a plant?



We need suits to prevent chemical toxic poisoning, but don't worry, it's safe for you to eat, ok? The plants are "resistant" to the chemicals, perfectly safe for you to eat... whoops... I forgot we aren't genetically modified to be resistant to the pesticides... ah well... WHO CARES! Eat your poison, it's awesome!


Bayer is not left out of this bullshit. They took tainted blood from HIV people, apparently "unknowingly", and used the plasma to make haemophilia blood products. Then when they got found out in the USA, they stopped. Good guys right? Wrong. They took their tainted product, and 100% knowing it's HIV tainted issue, sold it to South America and Europe. Great guys right?


They were also the first ones to manufacture pure heroin and call it "heroic" medicine to fight coughs and other ailments. It was "heroic" because it made you feel like a hero I guess... LOL. They used to to replace the addictive morphine... only... it was more addictive than morphine! But who cares at the time, right? No need to look at the long term consequences of anything, just short term gains like money and pleasure!

Both of these companies dump millions of pounds of toxic waste into tour environment every damn year! But... whatever... let's just keep doing it!


What the hell is wrong with everyone? We have lost sight of basic important aspects of living: life and health. It's not enough that these business "leaders" and politicians don't care and screw us all over, but what about the rest of us? We seem to be docile, content, robots who just accept being screwed left and right. Seriously.. what. the. hell? I guess... don't care about your health and the future of life on this planet... just go back to sleep, nothing to see here, move along... keep buying and using poison. Keep taking big pharma pills that degrade your brain and mind... at least you "feel-good" while you go down the shitter! Awesome!


At least we have a comfortable view of our own demise by our own hands... Go Humanity! Hip-hip-hooray! Party time!

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Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel
Contact: [email protected]
Date: 2016-09-14


You asked: "What the hell is wrong with everyone?" My first guess is fluoride. My second guess, is survival mode. Most people are so busy just trying to survive, they narrow their vision to that and that only.

Yup true. Survival low base consciousness mindset is a problem. It keeps you in the hamster wheel of: born, live, survive, procreate, enjoy life, die, rinse and repeat. Take care. Peace.

Agreed. This is essentially Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer competing for the restroom pass with a shank. Truthful post with facts that most have never heard, and some have forgot about.
On a second note, I started learning Python tonight, hope I'm not too old to learn it all. lol. Upvoted and following!

Here's my post on Python Programming:

Fucking excellent post. Had no idea that heroin was initially a cough medicine. That in itself is F'd up. I really enjoy the fact you used the "Evil Corp" picture haha. Very fitting for this article.

We should troll the internet and tag all the #evilcorp companies. Like this -

It will spread awareness.

LOL, yes that would work. Good idea!

Great read.
I find funny when people say "GMO is safe because there isn't any scientifical study about it being harmful".

Do you ask yourself why there is not this kind of study?

There is one, but people think it's been "debunked". Search about "GMO corn and rats". They have tumors.

I imagine something has been researched, but if you consider the profits behind this technology, it's quite easy to understand why no study about its harmfulness was conducted.

Also, the same logic can be applied to many other topics: many of them have "no scientific studies proofing they're harmful" or "no scientific study proofing they're working".

It's just a sick logic...

Loved your post but not the ending. I cannot stand it anylonger when I hear
"What the hell is wrong with everyone?"
It is still them doing this stuff. Not everybody is as good educated. Most people try to make their self living, not able to stop everybody else from doing wrong.

We are all in this together. People need to learn and wake up to what is being done, not just keep poisoning ourselves by buying products in ignorance.

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