Monomad Entry for December 14th, 2018 — "Daisies"

in #monomad6 years ago

This is our entry for today for the #monomad challenge for black-and-white photos, originally started by @brumest:

I liked the idea of doing an "artistic" series of photos, so we're trying this as a daily challenge on behalf of the Red Dragonfly Gallery for a while. This is Day 4 for us doing this.


As a "merchant," I park a little ways from the central shopping district (leaving close-in parking for customers) and walk the last 1/2 mile to work.

On my daily walk, I pass a steep slope facing downtown, which is somehow maintained by a very dedicated older lady who has planted and sown a vast array of wildflowers. In late spring, the hillside is covered in white daisies, all catching the morning sun.

These cheerful flowers give my morning a little "lift," as I walk by them... and remind me to be grateful for the little things in life.

This shot was taken this past June.

(Friday topic: Flowers)

Red Dragonfly Gallery News:

Our tremendous windstorms continue, which is now reaching the frequency of "very unusual." The power in neighboring Clallam County was out for most of today, while the power here flickered a number of times... but thankfully stayed on, as winds reached sustained 40 mph (about 18m/sec) with gusts to almost 60 mph (27m/sec). It's a bit extreme!

Anyway, the result was another very slow day with almost no visitors. It's supposed to calm down later and be clear and still tomorrow, so maybe we'll finally get a little holiday business tomorrow.

Wishing you all a great evening, and we'll be back with more tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

Red Dragonfly is a proud graduate through the @sndbox creative incubator program, part of the "Cohort 1" team of May 31st, 2018. Please support @sndbox and the @sndbox-alpha curation initiative!


The Red Dragonfly is an independent alternative art gallery located in Port Townsend, WA; showcasing edgy and unique contemporary art & handmade crafts by local and worldwide artists. All images are our own, unless otherwise credited. Where applicable, artist images used with permission.




Hello @cuddlekitten! Thanks for your little "cheer up" visits.

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