Monochrome Monday-Flock Of Birds

Monochrome Monday initiated by @old-guy-photos.

Last Saturday was a cold, dark, dreary, damp day. You could feel that snow was on the way. Late in the afternoon I heard many birds squawking, not chirping and they were very loud. I went out with my camera in hand to see what all the ruckus was about. For a minute, I felt like I was in the Alfred Hitchcock movie " The Birds."

No editing done here; this was the true lighting. I don't know what kind of birds they were. Maybe blackbirds? They stayed for about 5 minutes and then flew away. Soon after, it began to snow.

Thanks for looking!

Image Source: 100% own work.


Snow bird, born from the snow.


I am not much of a bird person, but this one is beautiful; even with that 4 letter word I hate.

lol that 4 letter word, we are also about now!
Someone we know nominated me for the bw
thing, then I nominated you :-) 🌻🐝

Oh, no. Thanks for nominating me but I have to turn it down. I already turned down 2 before his because I don't do black and white; I don't like it. I hope I didn't mess anything up for you. : (

No problem :-)

Right now as I look outside it's all
shades of grey lol

Like you I do prefer colour 🌺🌿

Have a great day 🐾

Thanks for understanding! : )

Whoa! lol

Very cool photos @whatisnew!
Look at them all! that is quite a few, I'm not gonna
try and count hehe
''The Birds'' good classic, not seen it in ages, grew
up somewhat near where it was filmed.
Last week we had a bunch of ravens in town trees.

Thanks so much! Ravens are big birds. Did they make a lot of noise?

They sure do, they make some very cool sounds,
deep powerful vibrational, trippy different tones, will
try to get a short video next time :-)

Oh wow...that would be awesome! : )

The lighting is crazy! They were just letting you know it was gonna snow. The black birds and I don’t have a good relationship. Haha

Ok, I am dying to hear...what did black birds do to you?

Bahah. Here's a post I did about black birds, and what they did to me!

But if you don't feel like reading it, long story short, they built a nest by my water spigot and were VERY protective! They FLUTTERED ME. They actually touched me! omg.

Hey you even got some in flight! Nice work!!!

Thanks! Yes, I was happy about that. There were so many it was hard to miss. : )

WOW! A lot of birds! It's really good that you found them and took photos of them in time before they flew away..... Beautiful photos. Great shot! ;)

Thanks sis! I was very happy to catch some of those birds in flight. : )

You're welcome! ;)

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