
I think it is our political systems that need to keep up. They are all pretty antiquated. If we took better care of each, technologies could set us free:)

There is a movement here and in Canada I believe, to give everyone a living income regardless of whether they work or not. Plus they want to tax robots if they put people out of work; to pay for it.

It gets talked about anyways but I don't think there is enough political will behind it ... yet. Probably make more sense to supply free and quality housing first.

Housing misallocation is the biggest problem that many people face.
There are plenty of empty properties. This needs attention and could help so many people.

I think housing and food should be a human right.

Housing is a human right.
At least in countries that have signed up to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Although the way the UK government is acting. They seem to have forgotten this fact?

I think there is a disconnect in theory and practice with most countries. But we will get there:) Our convo here inspired somewhat my latest write:)

It is surprising how fast countries can change. There is always a struggle of ideas

Soon there will be cars controlled by a robot. And the profession of the driver will not be in demand. Thank you for the good article. Good luck !!!

This is true. In just a few years time all driving jobs will be autonomous.
There will be millions of drivers out of work pretty soon.

Our state purchased Drones (unmanned aerial vehicles).
The pilots will not have work either.

Yes these changes will affect many highly skilled people.

Yes as we see the rise of the machines, robots, and AI, the future is incredible and a bit scary as well.

Of course as I say all that, the bloody comment has not posted in 3 attempts! Will go to Busy.

It's a slow as treacle in winter for me too. My new fibre optics is working OK though lol

That's a social and economical conundrum with all of our innovation. Service jobs are being delegated to touch screens, warehouse work is being some point we will need to be asking, "Just because we can, should we?"

"Just because we can, should we?"

That is a very good question indeed. If people have no work or way to earn money.
How are companies going to find anyone to buy their products?

Machines certainly do tend to be replacing us in the work place.

Thankfully, I have a meaningless job that should be safe for some time and I am happy for that. :D

All work is valid. I'm sure your work means something to many? For example:

Who's work keeps most people healthy. Doctors or garbage collectors?

I see what you mean. :D I actually love my job, so long as my coworkers are behaving. lol

You made good photos and videos. You reminded people that they need to learn all the time! Thank you!

We will have to learn new things and skills in order to work in the future.

I agree with you. But to study is a great work. You must have perseverance and desire.

Plus you have to make sure to study the things that will add value.
This will destroy many art and music courses as people focus on getting 'skills'?

You're right. Technologies are developing. Therefore, we need to adapt to live well!

This is true. Adapt or there will be no work for many.
It's not just unskilled labor either. Some highly skilled jobs will and already are being done by machines. Even medical procedures!

You're right. Today, a heart defibrillator was shown on TV. The defibrillator prolongs the life of many people.

And they are also portable these days. Saving more lives. Innovations like this are most welcome.

Interesting blog. But, actually, it might surprise you to know that the steam engine existed in ancient Greece, credited to have been invented by Hero of Alexandria. 😜

Take a look at the source quoted above :) I think you will see that I covered it thoroughly elsewhere already and didn't see the point of repeating it here, when I could just add the link. Hero was indeed the first.

Haha 😄 "was the cutting edge of technology in the 1900's" Wow! How time and progress move on! One day soon our ipad will look like an 8 track tape. I'm feeling older already 😉 But seriously, thanks for making me a little bit smarter about a different kind of "steam."

You're still using an ipad? lol rockin it old school.

It's really amazing how people were able to discovered those amazing technologies that made our life so easy.

It changed just about everything that those people knew and how they lived.
It made goods so much cheaper and improved the diets of the poorest people. It had many upsides for sure.

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