The Flora and The Fauna, MonochromeMonday photography

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“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

-Winston Churchill

Pessimist: The glass is half empty!
Optimist: The glass is half full!
Realist: Why are we arguing about how much is in the glass when we should be asking who was stupid enough to drink this yellow water?

Until next time my friends,
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Nice shot.

Kinda weird that the 2 voters on this comment didn't upvote the actual post. Can someone tell me if the author will get some of the comment payout too? 'Cause if not that's messed up.

Can someone point me to something that explains the payout stuff these days? When I first signed up, I read the whitepaper and some of the other docs, but it seems like things have changed since that was written (or since I read it).

In other news, I do agree, it is a nice shot.

Thank you. That is odd...I don't know about comment upvotes myself. Anyone else?

Very delicate. Love it!

Thank you. I was impressed how it came out, at the time I took it the sun was so bright that I couldn't see my screen.

I am a realist!! Great picture, love the black and white filter!

The flower was actually white initially, but it was so stunning when I added the filter that I left it and posted it here. Thanks! I try to be a realist myself, but artists are shite at reality ;) It goes more like....LOOK A BUTTERFLY!

HAHA! Right! :D

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