Very nice. Your new style, mixed. I liked it very much, so different photos that make up a united story.
It looks like this winter is in power. Glad ... may be returning to the beautiful old times!
Very nice. Your new style, mixed. I liked it very much, so different photos that make up a united story.
It looks like this winter is in power. Glad ... may be returning to the beautiful old times!
Thank you so much, Dan! @bluemoon I like playing with different styles and eventually, I may find one that works or me. Making a real story may be the way to go.
We shall see!
Winter is here! I can tell you I shoveled snow today! Hope all is well in your new place or now!
Oh, I've always felt you have such a Distinctively Denice style of presentation Denice. I've always loved the energy of your posts ~ And there's always a flower.
Your positive and spontaneous spirit is always reflected in your verses and reflections on your life. And your selection of photographs ~ You have a wonderful eye for the unusual as well as being able to bring us into your life, through your photography.
Love the crystal snowflakes and the angel ~ And U in all your colour. (We Aussies still have a U in colour.) 😊 !tip
I laughed when you said, "We Aussies still have a U in colour! :)
How very British of you! LOL Kidding! We are the only ones without it. Such renegades! Thank you so much Ally!
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@allyinspirit wrote lately about: Handmade Heart Art: Violet Haze. Geisha Girls In My Garden. Homesteaders Coop. Original Photography. Feel free to follow @allyinspirit if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @bluemoon! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: Monochrome Monday Sees Red Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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Thank you, @dswigle!