Monochrome Monday: What Colour Do You See?

The Appeal of Monochrome

What is it that makes monochrome or black and white photos so perennially appealing? I'm sure we all have personal reasons for liking them, I know I do. l prefer monochrome, black and white, even sepia, to colour in many photose. One reason of mine is that colours decay over time and sometimes brutely date photos. Photos taken in the 70s? Oh, sad! That washed out, fading fast, tinges of sickly yellows, oranges and blues. Monochrome is timeless, the years may come and go, the shades may sometimes weaken, but a photo taken long ago is as dateless as one taken today.

Will this stand the test of time? We'll see


My IPad Mini - someday I'll get a real camera :)


I see Black and white combination awesome colour. beautiful flower. Beautiful Image and nice click dear friend. I'm also a photographer

I had something else in mind when I titled this and forgot to change it, eek! Thank you for your comment, following you, really like your photos.

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