
"Give a man a fish and he will eat one day. Teach him to fish and he will eat all his life...". Thus says the saying, @rok-sivante. I believe that any action that seeks to help a person should be done with the intention that the person be independent and no longer dependent. That you manage to lead it, not that you help it to walk, because you can create the self-reliance of the individual: the need to have another person always to help it! The other is the reproduction of that good. That the person, after being helped, is able to help. There is a famous film called Chain of Favors, where if I receive a favor, I must do one, and so on. I think that's how help should be: not to stay in just one hand, but to vary! Today for you, tomorrow for me or for someone else. I don't know you, but I already admire the man behind these lines. I embrace you in the distance.

You have at the end of your posts that you wrote most of them in 2009. Where were you publishing them at the time?

As I mentioned yesterday in my comments, I have used Kiva and have tried to target people who are going to be building sustained value for themselves. As you said here, that leads to building value for their community as well. If the person who gets the loan has more money, they can spend more in their community, so those people have more money.

I've never had a loan repaid in 1 month. I think the fastest was almost a year. I actually haven't had great returns from my loans, but I like that people were able to use it to buy/build something, even if it didn't work out. One man had terrible weather for his crops and didn't get enough to pay back the loan. It happens. I was more disappointed for him that he didn't get to harvest a big crop. I lost money on another loan as well, but I still have a positive view of the experiences.

At the end of the day, it's a chance to change someone's life. Many "someones" lives. It was money that I wasn't spending anyways, so I chose to use it to equip others who wanted to help themselves.

Thanks for showing how micro loans can be more effective than gifting. Not only does it empower the receiver, but it can have much greater impact.

They were all just published as Facebook notes.

amazing write-up i must say...initially looking at the topic i had a different perception or was expecting something different really caught me sir...if i must say your point and opinion is very much accepted by me. it is in giving that we a youth i have come to realise that for one to collect somethings in his hands he must open it(give out)...those who are generous are prosperous.

thanks for this wonderful enlightenment for i now know that is in SELF-SACRIFICE and not SELF-HELP that we can grow financially.

thanks for always teaching and motivating young ones like me sir.
am grateful sir..

a nice post from you sir as usual.

Never heard of Kiva before today. I have always been reluctant to give NGos money because of the way they mismanage and diverge funds. Glad this at least appears to solve that problem

Thing with people who feel they need more money before they give is that there is no satisfaction point, they'll always want more.

Meanwhile those who give indeed never lack, physically and spiritually.

Good to see you playing your part and helping others rise. As they say "we rise by lifting others"

You have said a very good thing that if we have to grow and become strong in life then we have to take part in the empowerment of others.
I think that if you have something that gives help to others and his family by giving it to you, in exchange for that thing you will return it, then I should help
Yes Sir, you said a very good way to increase the money.

Yah, this is a good initiative you are taking up @rok-sivante. There are very areas that need this loan and they will pay back, but the money is even there for them to get the loan.

All this small entrepreneurs especially women is they can get this loan, they usually payback.

Good stuff. Upvoted 'n Resteemed.

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