Ways to save Money

in #money2 years ago

10 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Shopping Spree
Money feels tight. You may be worried about having enough cash to pay the bills this month. There’s a sale at your favorite store… could you save some cash if you bought something on sale? The answer is yes! If your budget feels like it’s shrinking, it probably is. Statistics show that 30% of Americans have less than $10 in their checking account at any given time. If you're among them, don't panic. There are ways to make sure money from your next paycheck lasts until the next one comes around again. Here are 10 ways to save money on your next shopping spree and get through the month without going broke:
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Make a Shopping List
This one might seem like an obvious thing to do, but you’d be surprised by how many people don’t do it. When you make a list, you’re less likely to impulse buy, and you can stick to your budget. If you don’t know what your budget is, then make a list of things that are essential to your life and put everything else on hold until next month. Quick tip: To make your list as efficient as possible, use a smart shopping list app. These are great for people who shop online as well as in-store. They allow you to make your list, share it with your friends and family, and even let you know when an item you want goes on sale.

Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry
You may have heard this one before. It’s not just an old wives’ tale, it’s science. When you’re hungry, your blood sugar drops and your body wants to make up for it by releasing insulin. This insulin then tells your body to store fat for energy. This means you’re more likely to buy something you don’t need when you shop hungry. Next time you go shopping, eat a healthy snack before you leave the house to avoid impulse purchases. Quick tip: If you’re on a diet, that’s fine, just make sure you’re not hungry. You’re not trying to put on fat; you’re just trying to prevent it.

Check Out The Clearance Rack
Clearance items are usually on sale because they’re old or they’re the last one of their kind, meaning they’re basically free! They just don’t look like it. If you’re looking to save money, don’t overlook the clearance rack. You never know when you’ll find a real steal. Quick tip: The best time to visit the clearance rack is on the end of season sales. Stores are always trying to get their inventory out, so they often mark everything down by 50% or more to make room for new merchandise. In fact, there’s an entire website dedicated to tracking these sales: End of Season Sales.

Shop in-Store and Online Together
When you shop online and in-store together, you can save yourself a lot of money. Online retailers often offer coupons and sales in order to attract customers, whereas storefronts often have end-of-season sales. To capitalize on both of these, visit an online retailer and then take a trip to your local storefront. You can save tons of money by doing this. Quick tip: Make sure you’re aware of the return policies of each company you buy from. Lots of online retailers have become notorious for their strict return policies, so be careful not to get ripped off.

Try Before You Buy
This one applies mostly to clothing and shoes, but you can apply it to almost any item. If you find an item you really like, first, see if it comes in different sizes. If it does, try on the different sizes to see what fits you best. This will help you to save money by not buying something that doesn’t fit you well. Quick tip: This also applies to items that you’ll be using a lot. If you’re planning on buying a new pair of headphones, go to a store and try them out first. This way, you’ll know that they sound good and they fit your ears properly. You won’t have to send them back later because they don’t sound right.

Pay With Cash
Credit cards come with many perks, like rewards and high spending limits. They also come with a hefty interest rate, which can skyrocket your debt if you’re not careful. If you’re trying to save money, the best thing you can do is pay for everything with cash. You’ll be less likely to overspend if you can’t charge anything. Quick tip: If you really don’t want to use cash at all, you can use a prepaid card. These are like debit cards, except you can’t charge anything to them. They’re a great option for people who want to keep track of their spending.

Negotiate the Price
If you see something you really want but it’s a bit too expensive, don’t give up on it. Instead, try to negotiate the price. Many stores will be happy to negotiate with you. They might even have a sign saying they do, but you just have to ask. Quick tip: If you’re new to negotiating, don’t try to get the price down to nothing. You don’t want to look desperate just to save a few dollars. Half off is a great deal if you’re trying to save money.

Go for a Quality Product
Sometimes you have to pay a little more for a quality product instead of buying something cheap that will break in a week. That’s just not worth saving a few dollars. Instead, buy a product that has a longer lifespan and will last you for several years. You’ll save more money in the long run by not having to replace the product. Quick tip: If you’re not sure if you should buy an item, ask yourself, “How long does this item usually last?” If the answer to that question is less than a year, you’re better off saving your money for something that will last a lot longer.

You can save money on your next shopping spree by making a shopping list, not shopping when you’re hungry, checking out the clearance rack, shopping in-store and online together, trying before you buy, paying with cash, negotiating the price, and going for a quality product. Make sure to use these tips the next time you go shopping and you’ll save more money than you ever have before.


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