Muslim Terrorists?

in #money7 years ago

Contrary to what is often expressed by adherents of the ultra-liberal zealots like figures satirizing American comedian Bill Maher. Apparently, the fact that Muslims are not more violent than with followers of other religions.


One indicator is the level of crimes related to the murder. In the majority of the Islamic world, the number of crimes related to the murder of a much lower when compared to similar crimes in the US. In the case of politically motivated violence, history records that the Christians in the 20th century have killed tens of millions of people in the two world wars (WWI and WWII) and in the era of colonialism which is very repressive.

This mass murder supposedly did not occur because European Christians are worse or different from other human beings. But, because they are the ones who first made the industrialization of war, and in order to find a model of a nation, sometimes historical facts are tried to be obscured. They argue for a reason that's killing tens of millions of human beings that they are - the Europeans - do not by religion, but in the name of nationalism.

Religion and nationalism

Indeed, it is very naive, because in Europe, religion and nationalism are closely related. British monarchy is the leader of the Church of England, and such a tradition is still continued until at least the first fifty years of the 20th century walk. Church of Sweden is the official national church. How about Spain, is absolutely no relation at all to the Catholic religion? Are churches and church-related feelings of Francisco Franco does not play a role in the Civil War? So what's the difference?

With the premise and the same argument, the majority of violence perpetrated by Muslims should be considered that it was done also in the name of modern nationalism or non-religious motives.

Throughout the 20th century, the killing as the effects of the violence committed Muslims because of political motives not to the figure of 2 million people. Especially in conflict Iraq-Iran War (1980-1988), the invasion of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan (1979-1989) and several times afterward, in which the people of Europe are also involved and blame.

Try to compare with the numbers or the number of killings by the Christians of Europe. Suppose 100 million, of which 16 million human sacrifices were carried out by Kristen Eropa during World War I, and 60 million by Kristen Eropa. Partly by Buddhists in Asia during World War II, 24 million remaining occurred during the era of Western colonialism / Europe.

Then how to Belgium? Yes, Belgium is famous for beer products strawberries and Gravensteen castle was never conquered the Congo, and during the conquest of the aggressors Belgium slaughter of approximately half of the population. Means the number of lives of the people of Congo killed at least is 8 million people.

In Russia, during the year 1916-1930, the Russian Tsarist troops who later became the Soviet Union faced a rebellion of the nations in Central Asia against the Christian colonization (in the era of the Russian Tsar) or colonial Marxist Communism (in the Soviet era), which incidentally is the European rulers , During that time, Russian troops had slaughtered an estimated 1.5 million people. Including the story of two boys who grew up or were born in one of these regions, namely Kyrgystan, slaying four people and wounding several others and critically injured.

Very terrible indeed, but none of the people in Russia, or Europe, or North America who think that ever happened massacre in Central Asia during, before, and after World War I. And after that, the wealth of the nations in Central Asia also they looted with impunity. At a time when Russia brutally conquered and mastered the Caucasus region and Central Asia, Russia is a country or Eastern Kristen Ortodoks empire.

Then, between half a million to a million Algerians were killed in the country's war of independence against the French occupation (1954-1962). Though the population of Algeria when it was no more than 11 million people.

Subsequently, anywhere you dig the ground in the countries of destination of European colonialism in Afro-Asia, will be found many corpses there. The bodies of human victims of the Europeans very much. Now it was realized that perhaps the amount of the 100 million people being killed in the history of Christian Europe in the twentieth century it was too little.

Terrorists Who Actually, in the Historical Record of Mankind?

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