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RE: Decentralization of Money: the End of Finance, and the Beginning of Wealth

in #money5 years ago

Evolution happens. When catastrophe eventually strikes, the unprepared succumb, and the competent muddle through.

Catastrophe will strike, and those dependent on the beneficence of overlords will find that what they need will not be available from their masters, whose purpose is their own aggrandizement, not the prosperity of society. Folks that take hold of means of production will not be dependent on beneficent overlords, and society will evolve as a result. Them as can do, will, and who can't won't matter.

The laws of physics can't be amended by politicians, and the ability to maintain civilization is provably the possession of competent persons. I note that the prophets foretold the joy humanity would experience in their possession of the heavens.

Works are the evidence of faith, and demonstrate we take responsibility for our authority over ourselves. No magic spells or wishes, but hard work making what is necessary for people to prosper is what will deliver us from the fire coming to devour us all.


amen brother.

i see there being a short-term collapse, before a re-set and all of our problems solved, by the falseChrist, some time in the next decade. those unprepared now will suffer, then thrive in the new paradigm and false heaven they create.

if you know your prophecy then you will know this happens for no longer than 3.5 years, then the real King returns. peace.

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