
There is def a huge pump in Dash. $100 would be an extremely hard barrier to break after a near 20X run in price. Looks like a sell off will follow.

IF this is the top at around 100 USD, I would expect a minimum correction to around 66-70 USD, but also 40 USD are possible. But there can be also another extensions of wave 5 of wave 5. Or my count is completely wrong and we are still in a wave 3. To make it short: Don't short this market, it's too risky.

I have done lots of research of on Dash. Longterm it has potential but to try and chase it before a correction happens is gambling. I agree with you a 40% selloff is likely. It would be healthy for a re-tracement of 35%-40% and I still expect Dash longterm uptrend to stay in tack.

thanks for good information...^^

Call me evil, but I'm secretly hoping for Dash to bottom out...
Because at $12 I said "nah"...then again at $24, then $38, then $60, now $95.
I missed each chance, needless to say, it has flung me into a deep depression.

Ok, not really
But still, I'm kicking myself harder with each day that passes. Lol

I bite me into my ass that I have not bought DASH at 12 USD and instead bought STEEM at 1,2 USD ...

Never again I will invest into a crypto project where @dan / @dantheman is involved. Never.

Denkst Du das war's dann mit Stemmit oder wie soll ich das verstehen?

Falls dan mit ner neuen Coin / Projekt um die Ecke kommt, werde ich das Ding meiden wie der Teufel das Weihwasser.

Rund um Steem gibt es genug Entwicker, die was drauf haben, es geht auch ohne dan.

running like crazy.
Congrats to be in the top 100 on steemit :-)

DASH ist meine STEEM-Bailout-Coin.

Thank you for posting @twinner.

Appreciate the information regarding Dash.....very helpful.

Is your analysis is good. Also you can sell the current price

you are welcome

Dash copied Bitcoin and added few bells and whistles on top of it. Monero for a long time focused on their software/protocol, which are unique and very innovative. It is really the ONLY one truly fungible/anonymous crypto out there. For simple reason - ALL transactions are hidden. This is big one if you think about it. Lets say you have 10.000 dash transactions, and of those, only 200 are anonymized. How do you think - what will people analyzing the blockchain do when they see one hidden transaction in the sea of transparent ones? Its like honeypot for them. Partial anonymization employed by dash is a trap. Monero chosen harder path. They now started the work on more friendly interfaces for desktop and mobile. I tried GUI wallet and its pretty ok, considering that it is beta version. Also, new version of monero wallet has built-in miner, which is cool (linux only for this release, windows in next one).

Thank you for the information @sargan26

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