3 Keys to a healthy money mindset

in #money6 years ago (edited)

This article will help you increase the amount of abundance you allow into your life.

Firstly, let’s start off with basics. What is money mindset? What does that even mean?

Money mindset refers to how we think about, engage with, and interact with money (and this includes crypto of course!). It is made up of how we FEEL about money and also encompasses our deep held beliefs about money (which may be subconscious i.e we are not AWARE of them).

Money in and of itself is neither good nor bad. It is inherently NEUTRAL.

We project our “stuff" onto money. Stuff meaning - beliefs, feelings, energy and thoughts.

To one person, money represents the greatest force for good on the planet, for another person money represents a constant source of stress and anxiety.

It’s a loaded topic. And that is why it is both fascinating and empowering to delve into this.

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Here’s the 3 areas we’ll be looking at to develop a healthier money mindset:

  1. Childhood programming.

  2. How you talk about money.

  3. How you relate to money on a day to day basis.

1. Childhood programming

We absorb beliefs and conditioning about the topic of money from the adults that raised us. How they felt and behaved with money is something we take on by osmosis. Even if they didn’t talk a lot about money, as children we will pick up an energetic imprint. How THEY felt about money becomes how WE feel about money (in the majority of cases).

This can be changed later on of course and there are cases where teenagers consciously decide to do the opposite of what they saw their primary caregivers do.

Spend some time reflecting on the messages you picked up as a child about money.
What phrases did you hear regularly (things like ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’).

What beliefs and programming no longer serve you?

You can simply decide to let this go.

Declare your intention out loud.

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2. How you talk about money

How do the 5 people you spend the most time with, talk about money?

In a positive way or in a negative way? Do they complain about money or do they feel comfortable with their financial status?

How does all this rub off on you? Do you feel pressured to join in with the complaining?

Be a detective for a week and really tune in to how your friends/ family talk about money. And how this affects YOU.

Watch carefully how you talk about money. It’s one thing to have thoughts about money in your head, but when you speak things out loud, it gives those thoughts a lot more energy and momentum. So choose your words and perspective carefully.

Words and phrases to avoid:
‘broke’, ‘haven’t two pennies to rub together’, ‘can’t afford’, ‘I’d never be able to afford that’, ‘how the other half live’ (note: YOU can belong to the other half!).

Positive money affirmations for a health money mindset:
I’m always taken care of.
I always have enough.
There’s more where that came from.
I am open to receive. I deserve to receive.
Abundance flows to me from many different sources.

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3. How you relate to money on a day to day basis

Money plays a hugely important role in every day life, whether we like it or not.

Most of us never received proper education around money in terms of how to manage it, save it and budget it. Thus when we arrive at age 21 we are expected to somehow earn and live with money as if everything is hunky dorey, when in actual fact we have missed out on two decades of incremental learning on this important subject.
It’s no wonder many of us don’t open bills or hardly spend any time per month devoted to our money management.

Have you got a system in place for managing your money?
Do you know approximately your incomings and outgoings?
Are your taxes up to date or is this an area you procrastinate on?
Are you organised with your finances or do you find yourself paying more for things because you ran out of time or forgot to use a discount token or you find a voucher but it’s out of date.
Are you signed up to memberships that you don’t even use?

It PAYS to be organised with your personal finances.

If you’re feeling anxious reading this because you know your finances are not as organised as you would like, fear not.

Tackle things step by step.
Write out a list of money related things that are prominent and urgent.
Write out any fears or worries about this, which will dissipate it somewhat (please don’t beat yourself up about it!).
Set some time aside in your diary now, to tackle the urgent things.
Team up with a buddy who also wants to improve their money mindset and hold each other accountable. Have weekly meetings.
If you set aside 30 minutes each day to tackle a money task - that adds up to 3.5 hours a week - think of the amount of progress you’d make in just one week.

There is no need to be an ostrich and bury your head in the sand with this anymore. If you’re reading this article, perhaps it’s a sign - you are ready and you have what it takes to do this! I believe in you!

So it’s not only the mindset piece and how we THINK and FEEL about money but it also involves taking small practical steps each day and in no time you’ll start to see a big difference and have a huge boost of confidence.

2019 is the year to cultivate a more empowered relationship with money.

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