When Your BANK Has POVERTY INDEX! How Much Can They Charge Before Putting You Into Poverty!?

in #money6 years ago

In a recent news article from The Sydney Morning Herald, it has come out that the banks have what they call a Poverty Index that shows them how much fees and interest they can charge you before you are pushed into poverty. While it should be nothing new to us that have studied the history of banking that a bank always wants you to be a servant to them by taking on heavy amounts of debt. It is a fun fact that they deliberately make sure you have your head above the water. https://www.smh.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/new-type-of-poverty-hurting-middle-class-20180426-p4zbsl.html

From looking at historical studies of many middle-class throughout history, it is evident that a middle class rises and falls with debt. If it weren't for debt, we would mostly have poor or rich and little mobility. The way you become rich, successful or dirt poor. Is how you use that debt to either buy bad assets like expensive, cars, houses or toys or if you use them to acquire skills or assets that pay you like starting a business, purchasing good investments that pay higher dividends back than the interest you would have to pay for that loan.



The middle-class also makes it easy for the government to steal money. They are the most significant contributor to taxes as they have the highest taxes. When should it make sense that the more productive you are, the more taxes you pay? It deters people from being productive, or they will move to a country where they get taxed less to get a better living standard.


  1. The Middle Class was created with the possibility to borrow money.
  2. The Middle Class is the milking cow of the governments for taxes.
  3. The Middle Class gets penalized for being productive.
  4. The Middle Class die as taxes and inflation get higher.
  5. The Middle Class with the death of a banking system and fiat without protecting their wealth through precious metals or crypto will fall into two categories: RICH or POOR.

People think the rich will get taxed when they raise the taxes on the high-income bracket. What is happening is that the Ultra Rich have written the tax laws and pay next to nothing in taxes. The Upper middle class consists mostly out of professionals like doctors, lawyers, scientists and other high paying jobs and small business people who are the backbone of the economy. These are the guys that pay high taxes, and when taxed to death they either leave the country, or they stop being a productive member of society helping to make it better.

high pay jobs.png

When you kill small businesses through taxation, you only create bigger monopolies that the government supposedly is fighting against in the first place. These monopolies then lobby to regulate their businesses establishing rules and regulations making it hard to enter to compete with them, and at the end, you are stuck with Socialism/Communism that further drags the economy down into the rut. When the middle class is dead, you see more and more governments have to get into mass amounts of debt as their tax base is eroding and they think they are the economy!


There is no real way out of this problem with current solutions. You need to look at the past to see what will be better to create prosperity.

  1. Have no government! Governments always grow too big and bloated and strangle the economy at the end.
  2. Don't create a government and fiat currency. No matter how much you want to regulate the money or the governments, they always end up misusing and stealing resources by printing and destroying the system.
  3. Have a system that is free from intervention aka. A free market! Not the type of free market some PhDs think exist today as there is no free market!
  4. Creating a debt based system is tempting. If you create a debt based system. Make sure that if you charge interest, it has to be simple not compounding as it is a massive scam.


  1. Make sure you let the people choose what type of currency or money they want to use as a medium of exchange.
  2. Read history books to spot the scams of governments and banking from the past.
  3. Let people decide what society they want and go away from democracy as it is mob rule!
  4. When people have no burden of taxation they can choose more freely what to do with their lives and business will always find ways to serve others.
  5. Abolish corporations in their current forms as they are unaccountable to anyone. If people started businesses with themselves and their money being on the line, they wouldn't take stupid risks or create share buybacks or other schemes to financialize themselves instead of serving someone.
  6. Take away government enslavement, and you will have people who can change the world a lot faster than if big corporations and governments put rules and regulations to stifle growth.


Hope this gives you a little of an idea of what is happening as the monetary system is coming to an end and if you are not prepared you will either be rich if you protect you and your family's property and wealth or poor if you trust corrupt governments or banks!

Peace, Love and Voluntaryism,


"It is a fun fact that they deliberately make sure you have your head above the water."

Well, we can't have the host die, or the parasite does as well.

"When the middle class is dead, you see more and more governments have to get into mass amounts of debt as their tax base is eroding and they think they are the economy!"

This is pretty much what is happening in Illinois right now. The taxpayers have left, and the state is up the creek without a paddle.

Your graphs clarify that The american dream is not good we should replace it with scandnavian dream,thanks for this informative post

Through discipline comes freedom. ~ Aristotle

Enjoyed your views. I think the basic underlying problem of governments is the fact that you have a bunch of people (politicians and unelected officials), who have their hands in a bunch of money (our taxes), with effectively no accountability in how they spend it. The end result is always a disaster. Put another way, governments the world over have the Midas touch......only in reverse, everything they touch quickly turns to shit.

Gov bailout should have never been done. Bailout is blocking the natural correction (wipe out) of mis-allocated capital in bad business decisions.

Australians deserve what they’re getting for being meat puppets to the queen .

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