The FUTURE Of Money! How CASH And CRYPTO Can Save You From Total Enslavement!

in #money6 years ago

With the current war on cash happening around the world as many countries are working hard to stop the usage of paper money and coinage we see a counter cashless move from a free market perspective.

With countries on the forefront of banning cash like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, India, China and many others we have to ask ourselves a question of why is this happening?


Is it because the government wants to protect us from criminals like money launderers and terrorists? Or is it because they have a hidden agenda of wanting more taxes from you and control your life?

With the above said it is pretty clear that money launderers and terrorists would have a hard time staying anonymous unless they used Monero, Verge or other privacy cryptocurrencies it is more clear how criminals use cash and the US Dollar to transact anonymously.


So with knowing how criminals make it possible to stay anonymous using cash and many times bank and corporations to launder their money it becomes clear that maybe the banksters and government people are afraid of many cryptocurrencies as they compete with them directly stealing their monopoly on money.

Okay, I said that terrorists and money launderers use cash for anonymity. But is this the main reason for why the government wants to ban cash or cryptos? No, the main reason is they cannot tax a cash transaction most likely and not a crypto transaction. Many so-called money launderers are people that hate paying taxes that kill their profits and are trying to hide it from an ever increasing fat and bloated government that need to steal ever more taxes to stay alive!

I wanted to show you how many countries are working to stop cash and here is an overview of the progress of a few of them:

Sweden notes and coins in circulation.png
Genomsnittligt värde på sedlar och mynt i cirkulat.jpg
Current Swedish Banknotes in circulation.png
Current Swedish coinage in circulation.png

Norway cash in circulation historical.png
Norway notes in circulation historical.png
Norway coins in circulation historical.png
Norway bank note production historical.png

US notes in circulation.png

Euro Zone:
ECB Notes in circulation.png
ECB coins in circulation.png

India Notes in Circulation historical.png

Canada notes in circulation.png

As you can see above the only countries that are removing cash from the circulation of the ones I researched is Norway, Sweden and India. All other nations have printed more physical notes and coins that have been demonetized.

It is interesting, and it shows how the Socialist Scandinavian countries are following each other quite closely. Although I didn't have time to research Bank of Denmark, I am quite confident they have quite similar statistics.

For now though the war on cash is slow and I believe the Scandinavian countries and India and also China will continue to demonetize their notes and potentially coins in circulation. If you've read the book The Curse Of Cash by Kenneth Rogoff, he says we need to ban high denomination notes. It happened in India with massive backlash, and if you look at the stats, they had to print a lot of more lower denomination notes to compensate for the removal.


I think Simon Dixon from Bank To The Future has the best prediction of how a move to cashless will happen. The elites will use a crisis. They would let banks fail but then say to the people. If you want the money, you lost we can give all of it back to you if you get into the new e-currency system that we will implement in the old systems place.

Some people, of course, believe that they will go cashless and then bail in depositors money. Also, some people think that there will be a move to cashless to avoid bank runs which happen when enough depositors want cash from the bank, and the bank doesn't have it and is likely to go insolvent.

There are many potential outcomes of the future which I think will be more cashless. The central question is if you choose freedom through free market cryptocurrencies or full enslavement by banksters and governments?


Time is of the essense, and we can only win by going off the slave masters monetary grid. Either using cash or decentralized cryptocurrencies and of course gold, silver and commodities. They are the only antidote to a potential Minority Report Future!

Check out my books here:
The End Of Freedom: How Our Monetary System Enslaves Us


Canada, The Greatest Economy In The World? The Facts You Are Not Being Told About Your Money. And How To Protect Yourself From The Coming Crises.

Peace, Love and Voluntaryism,



More and more stores in Sweden have stopped accepting cash. The banks are making it more hard and expensive for store owners to handle it.

I saw that some people asked for an invoice instead, and then suddenly it was possible to pay with cash :)

I hope that enough people will wake up before it's too late......

Have you heard of Yes, To Cash in Norway?

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Ser att du är en av mina 12 fb vänner som också är medlem i den gruppen :)

Excellent posting. There is no doubt removal of cash plays right into the hands of socialist governments so they can extract more and more tax and similarly electronically capture bank account identifiers, spending patterns income levels and so on.

The adventures of the Indian Government are worth watching, notwithstanding the plight of the populace, having to face removal of cash and introduction of an insidious and ubiquitous value added tax.

Tap and Go make it easy for lazy humans hoodwinking them into the trap.

Most block chain transactions will be visible to the regulators, it is just early days yet (for surveillance and capture).

The planet needs more privacy based crypto, acknowledging some very good ones exist.

To show how insidious and enslaving removal of cash can be see: - Australia - has tax file numbers joined into citizen held bank accounts so that Authorities monitor transactions and (by black letter law) raid those bank accounts to steal money masquerading as unpaid taxes.

Using gold and silver to transact is not piratical.

I doubt Governments will allow privacy coins to flourish.

We face tumultuous times indeed.

Excellent post John,

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