Gold Hits Lowest Price Of The Year. Billionaires Are Stocking Up!

in #money6 years ago

As gold just hit a new year low the elite are seeing the massive stock market bubble coming to rest. One of Egypt's richest men just put half of his portfolio in gold after saying this to Bloomberg.

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Some big investors see warning signs ahead for markets but are holding their positions. Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris is taking action: He’s put half of his $5.7 billion net worth into gold.

He said in an interview Monday that he believes gold prices will rally further, reaching $1,800 per ounce from just above $1,300 now, while “overvalued” stock markets crash.

Egypt also had a significant devaluation of its currency as well. With a nearly half of their value.

Gold has of course throughout the last 5000+ years been used as a store of value due to its everlasting properties. Of course, the billionaires don't put their money into GLD or SLV paper ETF's they buy LBMA good delivery allocated physical metal that the public is not aware of. Gold is so heavily manipulated and if you look at the way they always are trying to keep gold down by pushing the price down the big nations like Russia and China is buying anmass.

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If gold goes and we have a currency collapse we need only to see to Venezuela how gold protected their wealth. Don't forget the cheaper cousin to gold silver as well as silver always outperforms gold and with a ratio of over 80:1 it is predicting the same as the Egyptian billionaire is saying a coming collapse in markets.



Gold will always win over fiat and as my first book will tell you history repeats itself as people think paper wins while it always loses. Make sure you have physical possession of your metal, or you might as well have none!That is, of course, my opinion and not financial advice :)

Peace, Love and Voluntaryism,


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