How Long Before The Dam Bursts?

in #money7 years ago

Since Richard Nixon finished boarding up the gold window in 1971 (by way of his deal with the Saudis), everyone has needed the greenback to buy oil from the middle east.

Those days are over and as more and more countries make deals in their own currencies, the US dollar will inevitably lose it's status as the world's "reserve" currency.

When it does finally go bad, it's going to go bad fast and in a big way.

What will we hear next, that Russia is "hacking" the dollar by not using it?

Last week, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said the Russian government would intensify efforts to cut the country’s dependence on US payment systems and the dollar as a settling currency.

Not just the dollar, "US payment systems" as well.

The US Gubmint is looking more and more like the schoolyard bully who has made enemies with everyone else in the schoolyard.

Will they be smart enough to notice that there's no one lining up on their side anymore?


I think some of the smart money is already getting out of dodge. Now, some of the dumber smart money thinks that includes getting into stocks, etc. However, it looks like at least a little of it has also found crypto, and it may also find gold the way it found art and collectibles at auction a few years back.

I think it's somewhat funny that these day traders apparently don't know that there's a way to make money when the stocks lose value too.

Which makes me wonder how much money George Soros has actually committed to breaking the U$D the way he did the British Pound?

We can only guess. All you need is enough money and you can basically never lose. Your hands are as strong as they get, so you can shake anyone else out and only sell at a profit.

Been trying to wake people up for years.
posted this on F---book July 2015

Hope you enjoy.

You can't wake people up who don't want to wake up.

Look out for yourself and you family.

.. This is already where we are at except you dont see them (foodstamps)

They don't even use food stamps anymore.

They use EBT cards so people will just think you're using a debit card.

It's all smoke & mirrors.

Soon to be renamed UBI card.

As always you've hit the nail on the head. We've turned into the bully no one wants to play with.

Not "we", besides, I don't think you have to bully anyone to get your way. ;-)

Haha oh stop :)

The music is fading. Smart people will be prepared. We have no idea exactly when the music will stop, but it will stop soon. Why not be prepared? I'd rather be an hour early than a minute late. This next collapse is going to be ugly.

It's difficult to know how it's going to happen.

The country could just slide into being a 3rd world shithole like Detroit.

Running around the world starting wars isn't the smartest thing to do either.

It has been delaying the collapse. It being the military imperialism. :( They have literally been invading places and taking their gold.

Perhaps a big Gold Ponzi scheme? Steal someone else's gold so they can say, "See, there's gold in this Federal Reserve Bank, just like we said."

The Germans asked for their gold back from the US Federal Reserve. They were told it would take seven years. A lot of proxy wars happened. The gold from those locations was confiscated. Germany got its gold back before the promised time. It was just recast and not the original gold they gave. Hmmm... How convenient!

I remember when Germany was given a resounding "No" when they asked to even see their gold.

oddly enough it would appear that the Russians (and several other countries) are giveing crypto a VERY intense examination.

What would happen if the Russians switched to a crypto?

If they did, they would be way ahead of the curve.

yup...ever since the commies have gone free enterprise they've been advancing at warp speed.

Especially one that was somehow tied to the vast gold reserves they have.

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