How To: Stop Paying Taxes, LEGALLY! Gold Back Credit Cards and Offshore Banking!

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Gold Back Credit Cards, Offshore Banking and How To Not Pay Taxes LEGALLY!!

If you are like us, you don't like government. In fact, you detest it. From a very young age I was bent on getting myself out of their systems of control. I hated feeling like I was a debt slave to a corporation country. I grew up in Canada, where social programs run abound. People love it too! They have absolutely no idea that the nations debt keeps compiling and that the children are left to foot the bill of their grandparents and parents ignorance. I wasn't into it at all. So I started to look for solutions.

FYI~Knowing that most of your are crypto guys, I am a huge proponent of a diversified portfolio and physical assets, in that I include, Food,water,energy as well as real estate and physical gold and silver.*


Euro Pacific Capital and Peter Schiff

When I started working online some seven years ago I was funnelling a good 20-30% of my earnings into income tax in Canada. A hefty toll to pay for someone else's welfare or medicare bill. While taking away from my ability to cover my own family emergencies or problems. This was unacceptable. I don't get how people can feel ok with the governments stealing from people. Its like as a society we have decided that these particular groups of interest have the right to steal from us our hard earned paper dollars and our savings. While still having to drive on pay toll roads and expensive dentists visits it seemed irredeemable. My money going to cover wars and propaganda in far off countries. Luckily Canada isn't the worst of these perpetrators, I always feel a little sorry when someone tells me they are a US citizen. Things like FATCA ( Foreign affair tax compliance act) which was instated a few years ago had forced countries who have no ties the the untied states to pony up their US residents tax data, leaving them open to be punked by the government even though they had not lived in the US for many many years!

This led me to opening accounts with Euro Pacific, while they don't actually allow US citizens to open a corporate account with them, you can open a personal account and diversify your funds,but thats it. Your country has bullied everyone else in to giving you up to be tax slaves no matter where you live!!! Europacific have an amazing wealth management portfolio which last year was up around 40%. Which is simply amazing for a hedge fun style entry, and billions under their management. They also do something that really sold me, aside from keeping your money out of your governments or any other governments for that matter. For help open a global corporate entity. ( see companies like SFM Offshore or TDV Offshore) They have extremely liquid gold and silver holdings with one of the largest mints in the world!

Peter Schiff has had many amazing calls and foresight. Calling the 2008 crash years in advance and even now, yelling from his well oiled machine and soap box, the dangers of the debt and the global reserve currency. Peters dad actually ran for the libertarian party president many years ago. He ran on the platform of showing all the people in the US that their is absolutely no where in the constitution or any of the other founding fathers papers that say paying income tax is part of the deal. He is actually correct. The IRS and the Federal Reserve are not governmental bodies what so ever. They are in fact privately owned and operated "banks" if you can even call them that. They don't answer to the President or anyone else in their government! Its absurd this trick has been going on for so long. Inflation has already reached staggering rates in the United States, yet average Joe Shmore has no idea whats going on. Even if we take a small example, in 1963 the silver coins minted by the us treasury and federal reserve were created with a silver stamp, and in todays terms 1.25$ in those quarters is worth approx. 12.50$ This alone to me appears to be inflation around the 1000% mark in only the last 40 years. Yet, it goes totally noticed by the sheeply, who readily except worthless paper for their precious and invaluable time! I knew I had to find myself a better way. So I did.

Gold Backed Credit Cards!

Europacific offers both gold and silver backed accounts.
Here Is What Euro Pacific Says About Themselves
"We are your banking experts."

You have a dedicated, experienced staff to assist you with all aspects of your
banking and investments available via phone, email, chat, and Skype.
We have taken important steps to ensure the security of your assets.
Headquartered and licensed in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, we are
protected by a reliable legal system. Further, we maintain a full-
reserve ratio, make no loans, and do not engage speculation with client assets in any way.

~We derive 100% of our margins from client fees and commissions.We are your portfolio managers.
If investing in our managed products, Euro Pacific Advisors, our professional
portfolio managers, provide turn-key access to the countries, sectors, and currencies that we believe are likely to outperform over time. Top-down analysis is used to select the best countries and sectors, and bottom-up analysis to select
the best securities. This process is dynamic and the asset selection will change
and adapt over time. We pick, monitor, and re-balance your portfolio, so you don't have to.
We believe in a well-diversified portfolio.

Unlike many financial institutions, access to products is not limited to traditional
investments. As market and economic conditions change internationally, we
continuously expand our product offering to adapt to these changes. Our goal
is to not only give you access to the world’s best investments, but develop
geographically-diversified and sound products for protecting them

I am calling it an endorsement. As I have been banking With this company for years now and have had extremely positive results and a great relationship with Europacific.
P.S~This is me testing the waters to see what types of information do well here on


Tijo~ The Arcane Bear



Why Peter's dad was in prison if he was right and so smart ?

Really? Choosing to be a Political Martyr for your beliefs is extremely difficult.

@oldtimer you realize, Copernicus, the man who is responsible for our Heliocentric model of the solar system, jailed for life under house arrest and threatened with execution, yet he was right! Same story with Galileo. The Inquisition accused Galileo of having violated the ruling by the Church in 1616 that he refrain from "teaching or discussing" Copernicanism in any way.

So is what your suggesting that we remain ignorant to those who were bold enough to risk their lives to reveal the truth to us? Only so that we remain comfortable and cushy.

Not my style, but you are welcome to your opinions. If you want to believe the church and state, you are quite welcome to.

Tijo~ The Arcane Bear

You gonna pay taxes even with Peters gold card. When you use your card you sell gold and you need to pay tax. Ask Peter. And bdw. Are you sure that Copernicus was right? And try to find out about so called telescope of Galileo. How good it was?

Not true about paying taxes, you must be american. If you are interested do more research on the topic! Secondly, correct we could be being drug behind the sun like wake boarders on a boats wake as it rips through deep dark dense space....... but lets not compare the possibilities of the universe to taxation without representation!

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