Realizing your already rich, in self and wealth, more than just money!
The Eight Forms Of Wealth
People often drool over high priced items. Nice cars, big houses and unlimited spending accounts. This type of "wealth" is extremely frail. On your death bed, you would realize the worthless accumulated sum of all the things and objects you have attained. Instead, as entrepreneurs,we have always been driven to find wealth in all its tangible forms.
For instance, on the floor of my house, both upstairs and down, there is a beautifully shaped eight pointed star. This is a reflection of a Goddess from the Hindu religion. Her name Ashta Lakshmi, it is actually where the word Luxury is derived from, its root is in her name and its etymological history. Often the word wealth is only referred to as a monetary component. But we should'nt be so quick to forget about how wealthy or rich our lives may already be.
But what about clean water, clean food and air? Are these not forms of what we might consider our wealth, especially when we start to look at our own health and well being as a form of this wealth, while money can buy some things that might make attaining this type of wealth easier, it can be done with nothing but focus and drive! Much like a business "failure happens more times to the master than the student has even yet tried"
Lets take a look at the eight forms of wealth in this Hindu Concept
- Inner Wealth~Your mindset is extremely important, do you create positive ideas and change in your own mind. Clarity of the values and virtues that you have formed and use to drive you towards the future years of your life. Your internal wealth is where you usually operate the rest of your richness from.
2.Physical Wealth~ Your personal health will always be something to consider "wealth". How important does money, cars and status become if you are sick, if you are incapable of enjoying a moment in its simplest faculties, of your touch, taste , vision and smell. You don't want to be the richest person in the hospital or the person with the most buried in the graveyard.
3.Social, Family and Community Wealth~ Generally, when your family is happy, you do better. Same with your friends that you surround yourself with, when they are excelling it makes you feel good to. No one ever gets to the end of their lives and feels bad about caring for their family. Forging deep connections with your friends and peers creates a richness which no money can buy.
4.Career Wealth~ Buddha called this particular idea "right livelihood" something we are hugely supportive of here @thearcanebear when your job helps others, or supports a change you yourself enjoy seeing, your career can become much more than dollar signs. It can create a richness in spirit that lasts for many years. I have seen this proven on such a scale that this focused it self will centre almost all the rest of the forms of wealth. I have multiple friends who have earned well over the hundreds of millions of dollars following the "rightlivlihood" business model. Steve Demos of White Wave "Silk Soy Milk" is a prime example of this in my mentor group. I cherish all of the things he has shared with me on this topic.
5.Economic Wealth~ Ok, Yes, Money can be important. But its further than halfway down our list of importance. Not the most important but still a valued part of your richness in life if you have a good hold on the first four. Being able to direct funds to a good cause, or to help others, or to help yourself is rewarding in itself. It allows you to take vacations, own a nice home, not worry or stress about the bills and provide for those you love when they need. Lets quote Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, said: “The more I make, the more I can give away.”
6.Your Circle and Your Genius~ They say we are a culmination of our six closest friends, family and business associates. These people in affect help dictate and decide how you are to act and move as well. Those who surround themselves with exceptional people, usually become exceptional as well, perhaps some of that majick woo woo rubs off on one another ;)
7.Adventure and Journey~ We all crave and seek the unknown, the mysteries of life. We personally see out adventures, weather we want to climb the highest mountain or traverse the deepest inner worlds of our psyche and plant medicines. These challenges become necessary for our growth and success. Our minds are of a creative nature, and we crave these type of fulfillment. An essential part of a rich life.
8.Impact, Generational Wealth~ This is perhaps one of the deepest feelings of richness acquired. We all want to walk the planet knowing we have made it better in some way by our very existence. We want to feel significant in each others lives and respected. To leave behind a world for our children, in a better place than when we arrived. To create a force and a wave that echo's through society healrding the names of many of those who have done just that.
Our Wealthy Conclusion
Our entire focus when we stared our entrepreneur kick was to attain these forms of wealth and not to weight one more than the other, although they do follow a line of importance to personal well being reaching out to the affects we have on the world around us. Its made our adventure in business extremely fulfilling and we invite you to embrace all the forms of wealth and richness you may already have, and to respect where you, as a human, a star in the universe has so miraculously made it too!
Tijo~ The Arcane Bear
This is a wonderful post ! You seem to be quite new on the platform and I nearly overlooked it , so I will resteem it and follow you for more. I live in Bali for over 16 years, familiar with Hindu culture but at the moment in Vienna. OM Swastyastu! You are very welcome!
Thank you for your support. We will be doing a lot of podcasts and interviews last night. We will be uploading to youtube and sharing with you guys today! We truly appreciate the love!
Thank you for reminding me of what true wealth really is! Really appreciate your timely words.
Welcome to Steemit, what a beautiful refreshing soul you are, looking forward to reading more of your insights and seeing pictures of one of my favorites places on Earth:-)
Thank you for your kind words. We will share some more audio, video and picture soon! Its a gorgeous time of year here and we just had high speed internet installed. Currently working on a podcast format and character building. Ill keep at task with the writing and reading. Pura Vida~
Thank you for a truly interesting and thoughtful post! I see you are also fairly newly arrived here-- so welcome to Steemit, and looking forward to more!
Thank you so much for the support! We will keep up on the positive in inspiring content. Its our pleasure!