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RE: Americans Spend More On Hairdressers in One Day Than Some Countries Make In A Year

in #money8 years ago

Yikes. :-o

IMHO, it's all too easy in our society of consumeristic-capitalism to make excuses and attempt to justify this kind of behavior... But in the end, it's just wasteful. I'm all for and about self expression! However, when it begins to come at the cost of sustainability, it becomes an expression of Nihilism and is self-destructive behavior...

Howz about we set our super intelligent minds on the goal of sustainable self-expression? I mean, just look at "dirty" hippies as an example! They are some of the best dressed and self-expressed genre of people, yet they usually spend little to nothing on their apparel and hairstyles... So! It IS possible! :-)


In American society, these things aren't questioned by the average citizen--it's just the way life is, and it's totally accepted and "normal". We present these facts to call for a shift in values and perspective! Thanks for your consideration.

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