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RE: Wells Fargo and Other Banks Now Just Outright Stealing People's Money

in #money8 years ago

Ending fearmongering articles with a sales pitch adds so much legitimacy!

By the way, what good are cryptocurrencies going to do anyone when the internet gets shut down like you predicted a couple weeks ago? Why are you selling them as investments if you know they'll be gone in a few weeks?

Were you lying then, or now?


The internet getting shut down? How?

You follow him this close yet you don't trust a word he says?

Anyone who speculates with their money without understanding what they are doing is stupid. Some people take longer than others to learn, and there's very little you can do to stop it happening. Unfortunately the bait is tastier than the warnings.

Now, I think I covered what TDV does, in a post I made recently: riding out past good work and good luck. The articles are not written well beyond having no major spelling errors. But good for him. Sometimes you can't pick the winner all the time, and when you can get a reward just because you got a lot of people's attention in the past, you can't really blame him for doing it. Hell, he doesn't even have to care, people are voting him up cos he's the dollar vigilante! He's just having fun and hoping his exposure gets him more money. Controversy isn't entirely anathema to scoring attention either...

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