6 Highest-Paying Jobs For The Social Media Savvy!!!

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Social media jobs are becoming mainstream and even when it comes to it as a career. It is also start to attract attention when it comes to wages. 

Haven't you already of people earning million of dollars annually, just by un-boxing new items from popular brands to their large number of subscribers on YouTube?

Or how about getting thousands of dollars by simply mentioning popular brands on social media platforms?

Regular social media activities are easily becoming translateable into wages. Family and friends hangout Facebook. People look to Twitter for snappy news updates. Instagram and Pinterest is easily becoming a large virtual shopping center. Social media channels have become platforms to even get hired and earn money!

In fact, some of the Highest paying social media jobs today, didn't exist a decade a ago, leading us into a glimpse into what the near future holds for the labor industry.

Why not apply that social media savviness and try your hand on these high-paying social media jobs below. A social media high-paying job, is always a dream job when you look at it, i mean; get paid well, to do what you enjoy doing anyways!

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6 Highest-Paying Jobs, For The Social Media Savvy:

1. Social Media Influencer

An ‘influencer’ on social media can take different forms, depending on the social media platform upon which you have expertise. Well, not necessarily expertise on how to use the platform but for the most part, a huge followership and influence on the actions of your followers.

 A large followership on social media, doesn't necessarily mean influence as you can have a huge mass of followers on a dormant twitter account, for instance! 

Thus, if you aren't Taylor Swift, you may need to highly engaged with your audience and essentially, have an impact on their actions, for you to be considered influential.

In a nutshell, to become an effective social media influencer, you must first establish yourself and sorta get popular on the Web. 

Other skills you need include:

  • expertise on the use of a particular social platform i.e. Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter etc
  • you will have to hone your creativity, for creating unique killer content i.e. video, stories, pictures, vlogs etc; in a way that keeps your followership highly engaged and in exception of your next creation!
  • interpersonal skills for starting and maintaining relationships with other social media influencers, your audiences, and potential clients)
Yes, even if you had all or some of the attributes above, you will still need to convince a client to pay you!

A huge followership is always is a major asset in becoming an influencer but to be an effective influencer, is a career!

These days though, there is no circumventing it; a huge followership and automation is always key! 

On today's internet, having huge social media followership alone can land you an instant job as an influencer! Recently, on YouTube, i saw a Youtuber, with around 9 millions followers, influencing his subscribers, to subscribe to another channel and all this required was; displaying his client's channel and a 'live subscriber count' plus background music; on a live streaming video, which ran for several hours and after a few hours, i noticed that; 'a channel that started out at 2000 subscribers had grown to 21,000 subscribers!'

In the above scenario, constituted of; an influencer, a client, interpersonal relationship(negotiation and discussion), an agreement, an ofcourse, a wage or fee!

Estimated Expectable Salary: 

Depending on the clients you work with, your experience, the size of your followership and the level of skills, you possess; you could earn anywhere from $35,000 to $50,000.

2. Social Media Strategist

A social media strategist/specialist, is in-charge of studying plus analyzing social media trends, inorder to identify methods by which companies, can integrate these trends and its effects, into their business and marketing strategies. 

This again can easily take different forms. 

This job definitely requires more of expertise, tenure and experience, than that required by a social media influencer as the Internet is dynamic and a company's decision-making and marketing strategies, should rely on facts and experienced actions. 

This job would also need knowledge on analytics and a study of algorithmic processes used, in different social media platforms.

Unlike Influencers, strategists need expertise, on as many popular social media platforms as opposed to just oneor two. 

Thus, a strategist will need to develop these additional skills:

  • you will need to studying trends on different social media platforms and develop social media strategies, for each!
  • dynamically developing attractive promotions and appealing; persuasive strategies, for interacting effectively with audiences
  • teaming up with other social media experts (i.e. copywriters), in creating killer social media posts
  • breaking down analytics, to discover efficient marketing campaigns e.g (This applies, in something like AdWords etc or Facebook ads, where you have to experiment with and perform analytics, so to become experienced in creating and proposing winning Ad-campaigns)

A social media strategist will thus, have to be familiar with countless number of tools out there for analytics and automation!

Average Expectable Salary: A social media strategist can enjoy an average income of $50,000. 

However, tenured specialized agents, can earn upwards of about $79,000, especially, if they get promoted to managerial positions!

3. Marketing Consultant

This job definitely requires more expertise in social media, than that required by a social media influencer. A marketing consultant can decide to work independently or as part of a consulting agency; providing professional information on marketing trends, methods, promotion strategies etc; thus, a greater knowledge about social media is essential.

So if you feel you are social media saavy enough to aid businesses in meeting their online presence goals, through targeted marketing campaigns on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, then this might be just the job to consider. 

As a marketing consultant you will also needs to develop these skills:

  • learn how to perform research about the social media industry, social media marketing, social trends, etc. as well as research into markets and industry, of your clients
  • learn how to give detailed reports plus recommendations to the company you work for, to enable them make educated marketing plans
  • strategize the creation of new product or service
  • you will need to learn how to track sales, progression, and performance analytics

Average Expectable Salary: Average wage of $57,000. A marketing director or marketing manager, however, is an upgrade and expect to earn up to $150,000 annually.

4. Community Manager

Businesses and companies are dynamically look to build an online presence, which isn't an easy task. Thus, if are a social media expert who has built a huge loyal follwership over time, this can be key, if you decide to take up a job as a community manager for brands or businesses or perhaps, companies, that you have grown you’re passionate about. 

Basically, you become the face of the company when it comes to handling their online presence, which will involve everything from social media marketing, press releases, content creation and even customer relations.

Therefore you will need to hone these skills below:

  • developing smart marketing strategies for promoting the business or brand online
  • strategic communication skills as you will answering feedback or queries from customers, partners, clients or media
  • learn how to plan events; meet-ups; conferences in the community
  • learn; writing killer blogs; newsletters and other forms of communication, for the brand or company

Average Expectable Salary: Average salary for this job and subject to experience level is typically $48,000. However, some companies pay as much $73,000.

5. Marketing Communications Director

For this job, your experience as a social media expert or a digital marketer, will hold sway. This though is a step up in your social media career.

This job as a combines the job of a marketing consultant and that of a community manager. 

In some companies, this job may require that you also have expertise or at least knowledge in SEO, or email marketing, web design. 

You will also need to develop these skills:

  • the ability to collaborate well with partner agencies
  • you should be a skilled in overseeing and evaluating market data analysis
  • develop and effect strategies aimed at boosting market share
  • part of your job will involve getting final approval for all marketing plans
  • As you will be taking charge all forms of marketing campaigns, you will need to develop strong communication and analytical skills.

Average Expectable Salary:  You can expect an average salary of $76,000 or as much as $140,000 if you have years of experience!

6. Vice President of Communications

 As vice president of communications, you’re taking your social media career to new heights.  

At this level of expertise, you will be representing companies and dealing directly with the media. 

Your role will be to directly manage, promote, improve upon and protect a business or company's reputation, thus, becoming the face of it; in the face of the media or news. 

Quite similar to the role of a community manager but with additional responsibilities as these seen below:

  • reporting directly to the president of the company represented
  • developing non-profit programs or contributing to applicable non-profit programs
  • developing, integrating as well as implementing various PR activities, to enhance the company
  • propagate awareness and attract support for the company
  • mentoring and/or develop staff, who form part of his team

Average Expectable Salary: This is the highest-paying social media job of the bunch, with an average possible income of $126,000. With up to have year experience as vice president of communications, you could be looking to earn around $223,000 a year. 

Your social media savviness, can easily land you a dream high-paying job or perhaps, a niche or brand; upon which you are your CEO!

For your inspiration, here are 10 Teens Who Are Self-Made Millionaires:



speechless! Thank you! you have taken all the letters and graphics. i am left with these lifeless letters!

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