ECB to wind up €2.4tn bond-buying programme by the end of the year..!! Keep an eye on Gold and Silver..!!

in #money6 years ago (edited)

ECB to wind up €2.4tn bond-buying programme

ECB to wind up Euro 2.4tn Bond-Buying.jpg

Keep an eye on #Gold and #Silver..!!

I wanted to share with you news that has just hit the wires and will have a significant impact in H2 2018 and H1 2019.

It has just been announced that the ECB is to wind-up the reckless €2.4tn bond-buying programme by the end of 2018..!!

Despite the utter garbage and vomiting diarrhoea that continues to be reported on the state of the Global Economy, the reality is far from what is being told.

Since the Financial Crisis of 2008 things have got worse and though people are being told that the Economy is strong and robust, the truth is far from this.

What most people fail to grasp is that the sheer Debt, Stimulus and Toxic Financial Derivatives that have been pumped into propping up the Economy is simply jaw dropping.

$4 of Debt to achieve $1 in growth

Anyone who thinks that taking on $4 of Debt to achieve $1 in growth is a good thing needs to take a long hard look at what is really happening.

Just think about that for a moment. It's like taking out a credit card loan for $400 to go to work to earn $100..!!


The Economy has not been this bad for over +200 years

For the last +4 years I have been banging on about the real state of the Global Economy and have repeatedly said that the Economy has not been this bad for over +200 years.

This is no typo and it does say OVER +200 YEARS..!!

You would have to go back as far as the Napoleon times

When you extract the Debt, Stimulus and Derivatives that is propping up the Economy, you would have to go back as far as the Napoleon times to a see a like-for-like economy.

If you thought 2008 was bad, what is about to hit the Global Financial System will make 2008 look like something dreamt up by amateurs..!!

As the ECB pulls in the purse strings

As the ECB pulls in the purse strings and winds-up the bond-buying asset purchase, keep a look out for all the others to follow.

Withdrawing the QE program and Stimulus on the back of a failing Economy is borderline suicidal and one that will have catastrophic consequences down the line.

The World is drowning in a sea of Debt

There is no disputing that the World is drowning in a sea of unprecedented Debt and this Debt has to be paid off at sometime.

As the ripple effects pass through the Global Markets in the coming few weeks/months, keep a very close eye on both #Gold and #Silver.

#SILVER - Current Price = $17.295oz


#GOLD - Current Price = $1,311.40oz


Thanks for reading.




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Have a great weekend!
Steem on,

No one will be able to fix these economies. The US administration tried, but, in real life the US economy is on thin ice. Any market fall is said to take the entire economy down. The US economy hasn't recovered, so many stores are closing just in 2015 that 100,000s of people will be losing their jobs. Only thing the US Fed has done was kick the can down the road. Same with the EU, no one from Brussels will fix the EU economy. Russia is now too going into a recession and China along with India will start feeling it. The world economy is prepped for collapse to stage in the world economy aka world government with a single leader. Looks like todays events were prophesied in some book written thousands of years ago that most people have come to hate.

The only way to help the real economy is by giving the money to the people, to spend, not the banks, that is why quantitative easing is bull shit. This only aids banks, while we pay it back. I didn't ask the EU to print money for me, but they do not care about the average person like you and I paying it back.

The EU countries should dump the Euro and turn back to their own currencies, very soon the Euro will reach parity with the dollar and crash even more to the 1999 prices. That's what Karma does when you put "sanctions" on Russia while following the orders from america ;D Meanwhile the Ruble is rising ;D

They're not "printing" money. They are lending it. Money that didn't exist to begin with, and charging interest on it. Most of the QE money goes to wealthy speculators who use it to inflate asset bubbles. They benefit from it because they get the money first and at near zero interest rates. Any old fool could make money doing that. It's just an entirely rigged and unfair system that benefits the very few at the expense of everyone else.

I've said it times without number, the state of economy now is worse compare to what we have in 2008. Thanks for this eye opener

As usual, the rich get richer using the People, and using poor rages that will purly affect the people! That will put the people into a addictive pozition to their "free" Markets and Milions of more! And this is one of many such Programs.......

Gold has a great chance to up in these days, i'm total agree with you sir.

Ahaan, thank you, Keeping Close Eye on them, thank you for the information.

I will definitly kerp my eye on them..
Sir, Thanks for sharing such valuable information with the steemit community..

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