Bank of England maintains interest rates at 0.25%..!! ....when the shit hits the fan, and it will, you will wish it was 2008..!!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Bank of England


The Bank of England has just announced that it has maintained interest rates at 0.25% and it comes as no surprise.

The World is drowning in a sea of DEBT and anyone who thinks that the Global Economy is in a good shape are sadly mistaken.

The Global Economy has not been this bad for over +100 years..!!

Just in case you thought that this was a typo, I will repeat it ......for over +100 years..!!

The Stock Markets may be up, but as I have been banging on for the last 8 years since the Crisis of 2008, The Stock Market, The Economy and The Market are THREE TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS.


It is Debt, Derivatives and Stimulus that are propping up the Market to give the illusion that The Economy is doing great.

Extract all three and the picture is totally different.

The Global Economy is in a serious, serious, serious mess and today should be setting off alarm bells around the World..!!


If you thought 2008 was bad, when the shit hits the fan, and it will, you will wish it was 2008..!!

Thanks again for reading.



Get yourself into the blockchain and crypto's and I think you'll be fine. What do you think?

Shared on twitter. Stephen

Oh no... Not that it's new but still not comforting at all knowing that the inevitable will happen soon. Pray for the world.

global economy looks to be in serious debt right now.

The Global Economy is absolutely horrendous.
So many debts and IOUs which in the end will probably never be paid off.
It's not looking good and let's see if this system as we know it will collapse in the future

It is going to bad after seeing this report.

This is why people have started diversifying their money into Crypto's, Real-Estate, or other rising markets that aren't as stagnant or unsustainable and built on a base of mass debt.

very nice post

Hence, the Crypto currency will grow. There percentage is much more :)

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