Take Advantage and Buy the Dip Today.

in #money6 years ago

This type of investment opportunity doesn't come around often.

Brendan Ahern helped pioneer the exchange-traded fund (ETF) industry. He is now Chief Investment Officer of KraneShares.

He pointed out that the indexing firm MSCI is one of the investment world's most powerful companies. Many of the largest hedge funds, pension funds, and mutual funds use MSCI's indexes as their performance benchmarks. So they either own ETFs that track MSCI's indexes… Or they buy the stocks included in the MSCI indexes directly.

In total, MSCI has said that $12.4 trillion is benchmarked to its indexes.

KraneShares Bosera MSCI China A Fund (KBA) the best way to invest in China today.

MSCI just started to add local Chinese stocks – called "A-shares" – to its international indexes. It will continue adding A-shares for years. This will force investment managers to continuously add Chinese stocks to their portfolios.

KBA peaked around $39 per share in January. The recent 15% pullback is a buying opportunity.


Buy KBA today and use a 20% trailing stop loss.

Disclosure: I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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