Investing Does Not Have to Be Exciting To Work

in #money6 years ago

Selling the basics is boring but will make you rich.

Businesses that sell everyday items like soda, beer, diapers, toothpaste, chocolate, and cigarettes aren't very exciting. They are great long-term investments that rarely make the front page news.

World-class companies like Coca-Cola (KO), Procter & Gamble (PG), Hershey (HSY), and Philip Morris (PM) are reliable cash-flow generating businesses.

The world class company of focus today is consumer-goods giant Johnson & Johnson (JNJ). This diversified business is all over the world in more than 60 countries with brand-name products like Band-Aid, Neutrogena, Listerine, Tylenol, and Aveeno. You likely use one of JNJ's products every day.

JNJ also has pharmaceutical and medical devices and diagnostics businesses generating over $25 billion in annual sales.

Overall the company is doing great with 9% 12 month sales growth and profit margins above 20%. The company is so consistently profitable that it has been able to raise its dividends every year for 55 years in a row. JNJ trades at a fair price of 13.9 EV/EBITDA.

Shares have struggled recently but a bottom could be forming here.

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These extreme moves in great businesses rarely last long. The company should start attracting the interest of big-money investors looking for safe places to park their cash and earn a large growing dividend.

Trade details:

Sell the August 17, $125 puts on J&J for $3 (using a limit order).

At expiration if shares are above $125: put sellers will keep the $3. A six week trade is 20.9% annualized return.

At expiration if shares are below $125: put sellers will buy shares at a discount to current prices.

For protection use a stop loss at $115. Shares will have reached new 52 week lows and this will realize about 5.7% loss which is very small and allows us to trade another day.

Earn a safe income by selling JNJ puts today.

Disclosure: I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

P.S. Trade Updates:

Hershey (HSY) is at new two-month high over $95. If you sold the July 20, $92 puts your on track to earn a 26.4% annualized return. Continue holding with stop loss at $82.

Philip Morris (PM) is also at a two-month high over $82. If you sold the August 17, $77.50 puts your on track to earn 16.4% annualized return. Continue to hold with a stop loss at $70.

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