The Watchman letter: The 12 Step program for Investors shorting the Stock Market

in #money6 years ago (edited)

The Dow's 1000 point swing from red to green into the close on Wednesday, started discussions about the US Treasury and Fed's "Plunge Protection Team". Below was a great response posted on
The 12 Step program for Investors who are addicted to shorting the Markets:

From "NugginFuts gatorengineer Wed, 04/04/2018 - 16:25 Permalink

Step 1 - Admit you have a problem when you short against bottomless pockets.

Step 2 - Come to believe that PPT will rip your face off in a short squeeze.

Step 3 - Make a decision to turn your funds over to Ag and Au, as we understand them.

Step 4 - Make a searching and fearless audit of The Fed.

Step 5 - Admit to God, ourselves, and anyone who will listen the exact nature of the PPT.

Step 6 - Be entirely ready to have an EMP remove all trading machines and civilization as we know it.

Step 7 - Humbly ask the NYSE to remove our shorts.

Step 8 - Make a list of all stocks we shorted and become willing to never short them again.

Step 9 - Make a list of all the SHTF stuff you haven't gotten yet and buy it.

Step 10 - Continue to take ZH at face value and realize the end game is further away than you think.

Step 11 - Seek through Au and Ag to improve our store of value at the bottom of a lake.

Step 12 - Having had an awakening to how screwed we really are, awaken your friends and neighbors."

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