The Watchman Letter: Dr. Jim Willie: The Global Currency Reset has Started

in #money6 years ago

I urge all Investors to read Dr. Jim Willie's 6/4/2018 article “Two Key Events Will Unleash Gold”
Below is summary of global events that will trigger the Monetary Reset.

Deutsche Bank failure, which will destroy 2.4 Trillion Derivative market.
Italian banking system default this will cause a run on the Banks.
Italian Government leaves the EU and goes back to the Italian Lira.
London Metals Exchange accepts the China's RMB metals Derivatives.
The COMEX & LBMA lose control over Oil Contracts and are move to Shanghai Exchange.
The Gold Trade Note complests the the Shanghai Gold for Oil Contracts.
Saudi's accepts the RMB for Oil payments.
London accepts The RMB Contracts in the banking system.

"Gold is Money everything else is Credit" JP Morgan

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