5. Why is Deutsche Bank's real value negative -480 Billion, yet it still exists ?

in #money6 years ago (edited)

Deutsche Bank's insolvency issues started with the acquisition of Bankers Trusts in November 1998. Bankers Trust Company was created in March 23rd, 1903 by JP Morgan. Bankers Trust was one of the Banks used to help created the Federal Reserve Banking System. There has always been a close relationship between BT and the Federal Reserve and during the 1980's-1990's Bankers Trust was know as the Fed's Bank. Bankers Trust was a clearing house for US Treasury's and Credit Swaps. BT also had a large Derivatives portfolio. The derivatives porfolio incurred massive losses for their two largest clients Proctor & Gamble and Gibson Greetings and both sued BT. This was a major problem for the Federal Reserve, because the SEC would investigate Bankers Trust's accounting and their 100 year relationship with the FED. The Central Banks decide to force Deutsche Bank to aquire Bankers Trust to move the operations to Europe and out of the prying eyes of the SEC. Unfortunately for Deutsche Bank also required BT's Debt ridden Derivative portfolio. In 2015 Deutsche Bank had to write-off of 6.6 Billion from old Bankers Trust Debts, but that was just the tip of the Ice Berg. Deutsche Bank is the largest bank in Europe and has toxic asset connections with many of the other european banks. If Deutsche Bank is allowed to fail the whole Financial System will Collapse.

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