Your own company from home - ideas and tips

in #money6 years ago (edited)

Everyone wants to have a good life and one of the ways of reaching this goal can be building your own company.

I'd like to say that it won't be easy at the beginning, however hard work pays off and you will be proud of your achievements and receive a real taste of financial freedom.



  1. Take a paper and write things which you like doing
  2. Write your goal (for example starting a family within 5 years)
  3. Then write what you will need to do in order to achieve such goal. You can connect point 1 with point 2: If you want to have a family, you must have well paid job or a thriving company to make family's life better and safer.
  4. By writing such steps you are giving yourself a better plan of life where you can see what to do in order to achieve the main goal.
  5. Create a team which will you help with reaching a goal (for example if it's IT company, you have to find people who love doing it and are able to see more than money - It will increase a chance of success)
  6. Start working.


  1. If you are inexperienced, the first company should start with low amount of people to reduce costs. You may have to do things which you don't like, yet it can turn in a form of new acquired skills and saved money.
  2. Don't be afraid of making mistakes - it happens even for the best – for example Google. They created Google Video in 2005 - The search engine indexed movie clips from all network resources and also you could bring your own videos but it couldn't compete with Youtube, so Google bought YouTube in 2006.
  3. Referring to the second point, what’s very important is the determination - you have to know what is your goal – by reminding it to yourself will help you in the most stressful and difficult moments. If you are strongly determinate - nothing and no one would stop you, until you will reach the point!
  4. Don't be your own accountant - If you don't know how to do it - don't read books, don't waste time on it - just hire specialist - it's really worth because you have more time on improving your business and you won't make any mistakes related to posting which can save your pocket.
  5. Ask - If you don't know something - don't be afraid of that somebody would steal your idea or something because... people are lazy and they don't want to do everything what seems profitable. They feels good in position in which they are and mostly they don't want to change that.
  6. It's point 6 but I think it's the most important - Do what you like, not what is very profitable - It's not only about the money, but you have to feel happy all the time, which means you have to work in the surroundings you like to full enjoy life. It means that, ideas which I will show you soon, are not for everyone - if you don't like doing these things - don't do them. I will show more ideas soon if you will be interested.
  7. If you first company fails - don't give up! - draw conclusions and implement them to the next company. To pay a failure is not a shame. It's a shame to give up.
  8. If you will have a bad day, look at paper in which you have written your goals. It will give you some energy even in the hardest moments.
  9. Very important - never stop learning new things and dreaming. You will think "noo... That's impossible..." after that think about a car which was send into space. The only limit is your imagination! :)
  10. Surround yourself with better people. Don't be afraid of them. They will increase efficiency and you will learn from them - it's nothing bad - just the opposite.

Companies that you can drive from home

  • Dropshipping

This business is almost free of risk and you don't need any money to start it.
In short - you enter into a contract with a wholesaler that sends products to consumers - you are only an intermediary, for example, by displaying a product on eBay. The consumer purchases the product at your auction, you send information about the purchase to the contractor, they send a product with your company's data.
Good knowledge is not needed.

  • Online shop

This idea can be connected with Dropshipping as by that you will increase your income which then can be used to maintain the website.
You can also hire people who will do everything for you, and then you will put aside your responsibilities while reducing your income.

  • Stock exchange

For that knowledge is needed, or at least you have to know who this knowledge has.
If you don't know how to play on stock exchange, hire somebody who can do it, or someone who wants to know it (you will also have to hire a teacher.). For this company you need money - for at least good PC, monitors, teacher and starting money for trading.
You can protect yourself by creating a contract by which you are protected - if the employee fails to meet conditions such as a minimum period of work half a year (reimbursement), the financial penalties are imposed.

Businesses with offices

  • Warehouses

In some of countries it's not that popular - renting storage rooms. For this method of earning money, you will need a larger amount of money, compared to the ideas which I showed above.

  • Bitcoin excavator

I show this method here, because for larger amount of excavators, you're gonna need some place. For this method of earning money you're gonna need starting money (depends on how much you wanna earn)

For this moment it's everything - it's my first post, so I will take every constructive criticism. Cheers 🙌


If you have any ideas, thoughts or something - tell me and I will try to improve my posts :)

Such a great post! I'll definitely have to read it a couple of more times. Thanks for sharing

Posted using Partiko Android

No problem! I will share more of my ideas by the time, but I need a time and a little support... This 0.00$ in unsatisfying :/

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