in #money7 years ago


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You have entered a new cycle of existence as marked by the Chinese lunar calendar,
otherwise known as 2015 A.D. or “The Year of the Sheep.” No longer is humanity to be
economically abused, or forced to believe we owe the Central Bankers anything. Know
that all sovereign debts have all been settled by the Chinese Royal Red Dragon Family
(keepers of the world’s wealth) in negotiated conjunction with 200+ Sovereign Nations
of the world via international treaty.
All nations of the world have agreed to reset their currency’s value to a common gold
standard value, which the Red Dragon Family has collateralized in tangible gold assets.
Also, as a result of this new macro economic harmony, all fiat papered “money” is to now
be redeemed, collected and burned; with new gold backed bills issued.
This exchange process is part of a Global Currency Reset (GCR) and has largely gone
unnoticed by existing mass media outlets, whose owners also own the privatized
Central Banking system. They have intentionally restricted the free flow of information
globally as to protect their interests; and have done a remarkable evil job of keeping
this historic event out of the public consciousness. That is until now!
Some information in this historical overview might be new, some might be eye opening,
while some might be shocking or illogical at first. Thus, all may accept or dismiss any
claim as fact, but do contemplate all information and simply discern your own truth. We
hope this presentation activates your consciousness and serves as a reminder to your
subconscious to activate your greatness.
Together, we are now entering the reality of a Global Currency Reset (GCR) & Revaluation
of Currencies (RV), which is set to begin public redemptions very soon. So be
encouraged, stay openhearted to the process and let’s all unify in spirit to heal our species
and planet in form… humanity welcome back to financial sanity!
Most are aware that planet earth has been made to exist in an unsustainable manner for
centuries, both in terms of abuse of natural resources and through the use of economic
mechanisms via a well entrenched fiat Central Banking System.
But no country, even the USA, can continue to print money without having tangible
assets collateralizing debt. Yet this is precisely what the Central Banking System has
done. In effect, they have attempted to privatize global wealth, monitoring and
restricting the world’s money supply, including bonds, banking instruments, stocks,
digital, paper and coin currencies.
This private global monetary control framework was introduced to the world during
Bretton Woods Conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, June of 1944.
At this conference, NATO introduced a global monetary and military strategy that was
agreed to by 44 Allied Nations in treat. “The Allies”, who won the war, declared that the
United States of America was world’s liberator, and should also therefore be the world’s
future military enforcer and top economic power player. All this, in compensation for
winning the war for humanity.
Thus, the USA was granted the right to print the de facto global reserve currency, and
called it the United States Dollar (USD), whereby all other currencies of the world
would be held in par comparison to determine their own international value.
The almighty USD quickly spread as said de facto global reserve currency—replacing
the British Pound Sterling—and the United States suddenly was allowed to “print” as
much USD as they deemed necessary without any international oversight, except those
same families who owned the Central Banking System.
Knowingly, our own US Congress secretly voted in favor of allowing a new private bank
named the Federal Reserve (FED) to print the emerging nation’s physical money for our
own United States Treasury. This act of treason was called the Federal Reserve Act of
1913, and the FED alone would be allowed to have full global monetary authority over
rest of the world.
This “blank check” mentality that directly financed all of the current global monetary
debt/insanity humanity endures today. However, also during Bretton Woods (1944),
the NATO Alliance and the United States needed collateral to “put up” in order to launch
their world domination plan.
So they asked the Chinese Royal Red Dragon Family, who agreed in the spirit of a
greater good vision for reconstruction society in the age of the new world. It was this
same Chinese Royal Red Dragon Family who had also funded the American war against
the British Empire in the late 1770’s, and why to this day Americans still shoot off
Chinese fireworks honoring their gifts every 4th of July.
So the Red Dragons agreed to lend their gold to the Central Bankers for a maximum
fifty-year period, ending in 1996 (plus a 5 year transition or grace period, making the
back wall return date September 11, 2001). And with this benevolent act, the global
Central Banking System was born, allowing all good standing sovereign nations to
borrow redevelopment capital, and/or leverage through trade, in order to rebuild their
war torn countries post WW2.
Now to fully understand the amount of gold loaned to the free world by the Red
Dragons, one must first understand that gold has been mined across Southeast Asia for
over 5,000 years. And these 26 different factions of Red Dragon Families hoard,
maintain, grow and protect their assets with unparalleled commitment. So when they
agreed to lend their gold, all be it benevolently in favor of the greater good of humanity,
they expected to get it back at some point in time.
So the Central Bankers began leveraging the vaulted gold assets as early as in 1946, and
began reconstruction societies worldwide. This was the golden era for America… late
1940’s through the mid-1960’s. Growth and possibility seemed endless in the USA. But
sadly, ultimate power always corrupts ultimately, the central bankers decided to keep
the gold for themselves, and began devising a strategy to accomplish this evil end.
So they manufactured a few wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iran, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon
Bosnia, Kuwait and Iraq. Then came 9/11, which lead humanity down its current
military and financial pathway into Afghanistan, Iraq (again), Egypt, Syria,
Israel/Palestine (again), Libya and finally Ukraine.
All of these wars were in directly response to giving the Red Dragons back their
collateralizing assets to a rapidly defaulting Central Banking System. This discrepancy
built to a head when the Red Dragons demanded payment for derivatives debts on
Lehman Brothers in 2007—and insisted that their gold interest must be paid backed.
But when Lehman could not pay off the debt call, the USG declared a global financial
emergency, borrowing $700B from its citizens (T.A.R.P.) in order to maintain
repayment schedules negotiated by Federal Reserve Bank to the Red Dragons.
As of March 1, 2015, the FED nor the United States of American Corporation (founded in

  1. has the liquidity left to satisfy its debt repayments, and thus have have turned
    over the USG to White Knight Military leaders within the US Pentagon, and they now
    run the country’s affairs. This transition has quietly been rolling out going back to 4th
    quarter 2012.
    So if you hear the term “Global Currency Reset” or “Revaluation of Currencies” in the
    future, simply understand the world is resetting back to an economic balance between
    sovereign nations, whereby each nation agrees to “revalue their currency” in harmony
    with a pre-agreed, common gold standard of value to both measure and trade wealth.
    Now that the Red Dragons have claimed ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank and all
    its assets through sovereign treaty defaults, our once strong USD has lost all its
    worldwide credibility and value.
    As a result, the Red Dragons have replaced the USD with a new global digital currency
    called the Treasury Reserve Note (TRN); and they have backed it with gold. In essence,
    stabilizing the US economy, while at the same time replacing the old global reserve
    currency (USD) with a basket of new global reserve currencies, headlined by the
    Chinese Renimbi/Yuan (RNB/CYN) respectively.
    All smaller sovereign countries, once completely dependent upon the almighty USA and
    FED to determine their own country’s currency value—have been released from
    economic bondage and allowed to revalue their currencies against a gold standard.
    Meaning, long sanctioned and war torn countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Iraq and
    Zimbabwe are all getting new economic life, as the leaders of the old banking system
    give way to new, more moral leadership. Although just replacing the banking is not
    enough, as bad habits die-hard. So along with a new gold back currency must also come
    new political leadership, approved by the BRICS Alliance, which formed after the
    market crash in 2007 for precisely this purpose.
    BRICS is an acronym representing the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
    Africa, and their economic resources united together, have replaced the United States as
    the world’s leading economic power, as well as the USD as the global reserve currency
    by which all other currencies are valued as equal.
    Born out of necessity, the BRICS Alliance Redevelopment Bank was thrust into the spot
    light with a 100B endowment from all participating alliance members. This new global
    monetary lending source has all but replaced and eliminated the need for the private
    Central Banking System old control mechanisms, namely the International Monetary
    Fund and World Bank—both of which were created during the Bretton Woods
    Conference circa 1944.
    The new BRICS Alliance lays claim to over three billion in total population, 60% GDP
    and controls vital transportation, military and natural resources in several strategic
    locations across Asia, Africa, and South America.
    The BRICS Alliance, and their growing list of allies, has gained much needed economic
    and military autonomy from the once dominant US, NATO and European Union
    But how did the BRICS Alliance accomplish such a Global Currency Reset without the
    whole world knowing, given the violent push back from said private Central Banking
    Families and their minions?
    Well, first they quietly audited all global debt, and then prepared to collateralize all
    debts against their own gold reserves. This meant that the Red Dragon Elders had to
    agree to put up the physical gold to cover the entire world’s debt! Hard to believe, but
    none-the-less true, as that is precisely what happened. Their leader known only as
    “Grandfather,” recently agreed to release the collateralizing gold reserves in greater
    good service to humanity. And for this humanity is eternally grateful. Thank you
    The Red Dragon Family’s benevolent actions have allowed the BRICS Alliance to
    publically replace the old banking system with realistic and sustainable gold backed
    currency values, thus setting the stage for a new age of enlightenment. Meaning, the
    Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV) will create a new understanding of
    value across all industries, countries and cultures… and allow good standing sovereign
    nations to peg their own country’s monetary value on a common, permanent and
    consistent benchmark for thousands of years.
    Yes, some currencies will naturally rise based on their in ground assets and gold
    holdings (ZIM, VND, IDR, IQD, TRY, MXN, PHP), while others will fall just as fast (USD,
    JPY, CHF, GBP, AUD, DEM, CAN). But in the end, all sovereign nations who agree to
    participate within the rules of the BRICS Alliance, do so by their own accord, via
    international treaty, and in turn now have eliminated their sovereign debt… creating a
    sustainable gold backed, global economic future for us all.
    Again, thank you Red Dragon Elders, and thank you Grandfather for your infinite
    generosity and selfless commitment to preserving and ascending the human condition.
    We are forever humbled and honored to be participating in such a historic planetary
    To understand how and why currencies historically redeem, it’s wise to first look at the
    base monetary value and how that standard is assigned. First, one must look at the
    intrinsic universal value of gold historically, and accept that gold is now, and has always
    been a currency. Also, consider that all in-ground assets, including oil, gems, minerals,
    and precious metal are all traded like currency since the beginning of modern
    Meaning, just as physical gold bullion or coins were once was traded for everyday goods
    like we do today with paper or digital currencies, in theory, that never stopped. In fact,
    the new gold standard will see individuals exchanging physical gold for actual goods
    and services, including transactions between governments.
    This is why the world going back to the old gold benchmark is so dramatic, and why it
    had to become the new benchmark by which all value is measured, as opposed to
    Central Bank issued notes, sovereign bonds, banking instruments, derivatives, credit
    cards and local fiat currencies. They insurmountable debt those fiat philosophies
    created were crippling, irresponsible and immoral.
    Thus, every monetary unit of value now has a real equity relationship to gold, with all
    either moving towards or away from the gold standard’s 1:1 ratio. Thus, the citizenry of
    the world is again playing on a level economic playing field.
    However, to achieve such global harmony, all currencies must first adjust or “revalue”
    to an accurate and equitable gold standard. Some currencies will do so publically and
    immediately—and be in a “first basket of revaluations” such as the Iraq Dinar, Vietnam
    Dong, Zimbabwe Dollar and Indonesian Rupiah. While others will gradually and quietly
    transition as to not upset the masses or global money supply algorithms.
    Once a currency is adjusted or is revalued, an arbitrage is created within exchangeable
    value or price; thus creating economic opportunity for any one whom physically holds
    such an adjusted sovereign debt instrument; and should they desire to redeem the
    currency in a bank, they can receive the difference as profit… or loss depending on
    which currency is held.
    Now it is true some currencies will revalue up, while others will revalue down. And a
    few will even collapse and need to be taken out of circulation slowly like the ECB’s Euro
    and Federal Reserve’s USD; some are most certainly to spike much higher, like the
    Zimbabwe Dollar, which is scheduled to revalue as many as fifteen decimal places since
  1.   Yet in  the end,    most    will    ultimately  readjust unnoticed, with    a   select  few not

adjusting at all because they never left the gold standard measurement of value.
To better illustrate how international sovereign currencies of the world will move in
relation to gold’s updated value, below is a graphic that visually shows the distance a
currency must travel in order to unify with the current fair market value of gold.




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