Internet & Cell Service Should Be Free @senseicat

in #money7 years ago

There are so many wonderful benefits from having internet service and it connects people from remote places to major cities internationally. Internet is a necessity and in my mind, I believe that it should be free just like the air we breathe. It's interesting when you look at travel sites, sometimes, the hotel actually advertises "free internet" and it is surprising to me because that cost should be embedded to the hotel cost.

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Once you have experienced internet, it is nearly impossible to go without it.

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Similarly, cell phone service should also be free because it is essential to stay connected to those we love and in business. Many children have their own cell phones nowadays in America. In middle school, teachers encourage the use of cell phones for in class research. Kids also need internet to complete papers, homework assignments, and to get in touch with their teachers because so many aspects of education is becoming virtual. In fact, the best way to receive information about grades and attendance is though specialized apps available via internet and cell phones.

The cost for internet and cell phone service combined is over 300.00 a month and it seems ridiculous. That is almost as expensive as our monthly grocery bill.


I noticed that the cell phone companies used to offer free phones for committing to 2 years of service and that has vanished. Instead, they offer a monthly payment plan and it turns out that it is more expensive than the former method. They always seem to find a way to keep increasing your monthly bill. The more fees that they integrate into the monthly plan, it appears that they are minimizing the actual costs to the consumer, but in fact, costs have increased astronomically.

Seriously, do the cell service companies really need to charge activation fees and fees to transfer data from an existing phone to a new phone in addition to the hefty monthly service charges, not to mention the added taxes.!

We need more competition in this arena so that our monthly rates diminish altogether. Everyone in the world benefits from being able to have free communication access and transfer of information regardless of where you live or income level.

I am all ears @senseicat


Check out IUNGO. It's an upcoming internet provider (or technically you becoming one) with virtually no fees plus you get paid for being a provider. Something like that.

Oh of crouse it's decentralised and on blockchain tech :D

That is awesome information and definitely worth investing in.

I think the ICO is still on...

Yep just checked. Around 4 days left with I think 20% bonus.

It not hard to guess why, you can assure that things become more expensive as time moves on, the value of your money only keeps declining as new bills hit the market thanks to the fictional money that banks print each day.

As to why we are charged with more and more fees that is to increase profit, because companies has this crazy idea that they need to grow more and more each year, and as you said everyone now on days own a phone they need to create their profits from somewhere else, before a lot of people didn't have a plan, now they do, so they only thing they can do is increase the prices, it is funny how the world works.

today the internet needs are one of the most in need for daily life.

We need more competition in this arena so that our monthly rates diminish altogether. Everyone in the world benefits from being able to have free communication access and transfer of information regardless of where you are

About the competition could not be more agree, the competition is necessary for a healthy relationship and balance between service companies and customers, I'll give you an example, here the competition does not exist, all the data transmission service belongs to CANTV and the government owns it, I have 6 months without a local phone, because no matter how much I call and complain, they do not come to repair it, and I do not have the tools to assert my rights as a client, if the service I do not like, the option is to unsubscribe from the service, but to go with which operator? if cantv owns the wiring and central, even the node of data connection to the internet ?, if I unsubscribe I will never have the opportunity to have a local telephone again.

The same goes for the rates without competition that stops a company
from charging to the bill what it wants? The answer is nothing.

I agree with the free market and that anyone can charge what they want for their work or service but must be a balance too low rates destroy the quality of service (which happens here at the level of all services), but very high rates harm the customer as you say $ 300 for the service is an exaggeration, is 15% of a salary of $ 2000.

If you got here thank you for reading me :P

in holland they don't ask such ridiculous bills a normal all in with tv internet and phone it is around 40 euros. I don't think that they need 300 dollars to run a service I think it can be much lower but the services would not accept with that because then they are not rich anymore

you are right on point, these too services are so essential to the world that it oughtto be the third world where am located, we have to pay through our noses for internet services and thats not fair


I do not think it's just the internet.
electricity water natural gas should also be free
money should not be taken from the obligatory requirements of people's life

You are absolutely right @senseicat, those services should be free. Today, communicating is as essential as breathing or eating. However as a telecommunications engineer, I understand the cost of the equipment to run the entire system. It would be better if the companies left the advertising deceptive. At least in my country I spend $ 3 a month on internet and mobile phone service.

Hopefully we will reach that point where we have access to communicate without depending on money.

These services are practically free in Venezuela, pay cents a month, however they are very bad, they fall continuously and the prices we pay do not allow companies to perform maintenance. You could give your vote in my first publication

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