Money is a mental abstraction. Ver en.

in #money7 years ago (edited)

In principle, the exchanges of goods were made according to the volumes that families or communities deserved, that is, the communities were really small, the exchange or barter, by then, was more than enough as a method for that time. A little fruit collected in the field could be exchanged for some milk milked to any animal species, that could offer us this food, to give an example. This form of exchange dominated the early civilizations of the beginning of the human era.


The growth of the number of members in the different communities, marks a milestone that differentiates the forms of exchange of goods and more, because with this quantitative increase it is to be assumed that they are incorporated into the public offer of the markets in the different societies: , this first conjunction should have worried the humans of that time about the value of the products and services available to those participating in these incipient markets, it was very clear that a papaya could not have the same value as a lamb, or the The value of iron in its natural form could not be the same as that of horseshoes, as a final product, made of the same metal.


This is why humanity begins to think, how to do to have a device or instrument, to be able to represent the wealth that people possessed and / or were able to produce, this is a very long story, about how the first steps for the creation of that device, which we now call money, which starts with the same stones, seashells, etc, of course at the time and I think that even today, it was very abundant in nature, something that would be proposing a very primitive idea of inflation, since any person that was dedicated to collect these stones, shells or feathers, obtained greater buying power in those primitive markets without needing to produce any good or offer any service, beyond the collection itself in its moment of those financial devices.


The arrival of gold and other metals, as a quasi-monetary representation of wealth, marks another step, more advanced in terms of finding the solution for exchange in the market, if we specifically refer to gold, simply very valuable, because it is scarce, difficult to obtain, to need a process of refining, in addition to other things difficult to transport, makes it the link that determines the creation of states or governments in more or less the way we see it now, of course adapted to the productive processes and social relations, which prevailed at that time, offering people social order and security, in exchange for power, this power has several support points, including obtaining resources in cash, with the supposed purpose of maintain the functionality of the states, in order to comply with what is offered to society, it must be said that as a society, we fell into a trap and committed a serious But this is another matter. The monetization, not the "almost monetization", of the gold period appears with the need to grant credits to certain type of groups or companies that at the end of the middle age and beginning of an era as illustrated, would make expeditions, in this case from Europe to new latitudes "newly" discovered by these, I believe that in this lot are included the same trips of Cristobal Colon or James Cook with destination in principle unknown, trips to Asia and Africa, was a need to achieve a means of credit, defined and very representative, That is why I believe that gold and silver coins were produced to obtain merchandise anywhere, where these expeditions arrived, but also to be able to finance everything corresponding to the functionality of the expeditions in question, that is, In addition to granting a credit that offered a profit in case, this type of companies also had to share with their creditors part of the obtained in the trip, that much times have been much more valuable than the credit itself plus its cost, simply indicating the continuation and strengthening of the course of money towards the role it enjoys at this moment.


The alliance between the great gold lords, to call them in some way and those in charge of the governments, came to consolidate the millennial project of money, achieving the creation of institutions in some private sites, in other public places that would be in charge of controlling everything Regarding this instrument called money, in principle most of the new states used the gold standard as a system for valuing the coins and the new representation of money on paper more similar to vouchers than to anything else. The growth of the states and of an immense amount of variables, such as, for example, public spending and the collection of taxes, determined a change that many did not expect, which was the elimination of the gold standard, to replace it with the dollar standard, which it is based on the use of indicators such as level of exports and imports, amount of cash in the hands of the population, productivity indicators, measurements of credit lines among bank customers, etc. in short, a tangle of indicators that will determine the monetary-type values ​​of the geographic scope that covers any state in question, that is, the members of the states and their allies can decide according to interpretation of the variables on everything concerning money, based on in a supposed trust that the population grants. This is discretionary power, which creates the concept of fiat money, which comes to solve the problem of lack of wealth representation by printing or coining this type of money, by chance and temporary decision of the states, without the necessary support for such end, that is, the fiat money is based on the creation of the debt, and therefore is devaluable or inflationary, and already a significant number of citizens of the world know the unwanted scope that fiat money brings with it, the crises are almost a after another, presenting itself as irrepressible, in my opinion the fiat money is the biggest and toughest bubble, never before experienced and I follow: It is surely about to explode and globally.


The new representation of wealth is hope, and I align with this idea because the new money, makes a difference at the technical level, tends to compensate the values of individual responsibility over the collective, allows you not to trust a third representative of the imperative, to trust your own person to be administrator of your own wealth, but also in the path that the whole planet has undertaken that is the path of technology, those who read me know what I'm talking about . Always remember that, money is only a mental abstraction that represents the wealth of any person, company and now above the countries, prepare what comes next is another paradigm.

Original version in spanish:

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