How to make money

in #money6 years ago


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Everyone wants to be successful, everyone wants to be rich and that creates a desire for people to search for ways that will help them make money. but the problem seems to be that many people are searching and only a few people seem to be really getting this money.

Question is why?

Currently, there is more than enough money in the world for everyone, but sadly, a huge part of this money is controlled by a few set of persons and few set of people are still making money even as I am typing this post.

So how do we make this money too?

before I go-ahead to tell you guys my point, let me, first of all, define what money is in my way.

  • Money: Money is what we all agree on as a means of exchange, backed by some laws

  • Money is what gives your dream some flesh

  • Money is a tool used by the rich

there are several definitions of money made by several people that I would have dropped here, but the summary of it all is that money is a means of exchange.

How to make money

yea I know this is what you want to see, but it's not something big, its something very simple.

so this Is it, money is being transferred every day and minted every now and then. but the direction of this money is what we should care about. how can we redirect this money to our channel?

In other to create a money channel for yourself, you first need to realize that you don't just make money by desiring to make money, you make money the other way round. until that other way is met you won't have a constant flow of income.

That other way is "service". *until you stop looking for money and start looking for opportunities to create services that will solve problems, you will forever remain the way you are: always looking for a job and even if you get a job, it won't last because you lack the ability to solve problems and provide service.

Every Problem is an opportunity

let me tell you guys a little story I read recently: some astronaut working with NASA went to space and when they got there, they noticed that their pen couldn't work with zero gravity. so they spent years and millions of dollars to experiment ways to invent a pen that will work with zero gravity in space. A few years later, another set of astronaut from another country wanted to go to space and instead of spending millions to buy that pen, they simply went with a pencil.

that challenge was big because they needed to record their experiment in space, but the solution was rather expensive. hope you learned something from that?

back to the matter;

all the money you will ever need is in all the problems around you ~ @samstickkz

the more problems, you solve, the more money you would likely get and the more valuable you will become. don't see problems as a dead end, see problems as opportunities, that is where the money is.

You won't make a constant flow of income by looking for a good job, you will only make a constant flow of money by looking for problems to solve.

When you get problems or face challenges, don't spend all your time brooding on the problem and thinking of what you would have done if the problem didn't come, no! don't think or act that way. when you face a problem, spend 10% or less of your attention on the problem and spend 90% of your attention on the solution to that problem.

the more problems you solve, the more you become experienced and wise. soon those problems that were once big will become bread to you.

samstickkz fall gif.gif


And that is our problem. Trying to make money to no end but no finding opportunitues or problems to solve to ensure the sustenance. Money is like water:you cant hold it in you hand for long unless you scoop it into a container. The container is then the problems we will need to solve to ensure "the other way round which is service"
Great article and well composed

For a long time, my adopted definition of money has been this:
Money is an IDEA, backed by confidence. Nothing more, nothing less.
You make money by doing any of the followings:

  1. Trading time for money - getting a job, being self-employed
  2. Manifesting and using creative ideas - inventing something as a solution to a problem, creating works of art, etc
  3. Leveraging on resources and other people - owning a business, investing

Took the words right out of my mouth!!

Exactly, that's why I upvoted it

Meeting a need is success on its own. Thank you @samstickkz so inspiring

Money is not the paper in your hands. Money is intangible, money in my definition is "create value” . Paper will finish one day if value was never created thats why some persons become broke after retirement from their job . Thank you @samstickkz

Word! Like saying if you need peace you must have conquered evil... If you need gold yoy dig deed and so many process to get that excellent gold. Money is the by product of problems. Tackling each problem produces getting coins, you get mine
... Thanks alot

True word indeed! The cycle of problems always have money around them.. Once you can tackle problems, you get entitled to earning. Skillfulness in doing so however, is needed! Nice one bos

No problem tackled, no money earned

Yes, you cant get gold without mining

this is wonderful. keep up the good work bro

Hmmmm, all the money I need is in all the problems around me. Really wonderful post friend

Thank you dear

I'm sorry I was hacked! I have deleted the spam and working on clean up! xo

This is a masterpiece.

all the money you will ever need is in all the problems around you ~ @samstickkz

This is it brother thanks for sharing. I'm inspired mehnnnn

Wow, thank you for those words man

Wow,fantastic message and this is totally true,we have to look for opportunities and means to offer service,we don't have to be lazy at all or looking for people to give you money,developed your gift and talent so that you can be valuable .

I love this sir

until we stop looking at people for help, we wil forever remain untapped

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