Blockchain Powered Healthcare is here--SSOT Health

in #money6 years ago



SSOT Health is a stage that spotlights on the arrangement and advancement of wellbeing administrations that empower patients to oversee and deal with their therapeutic information and make better wellbeing environments by limiting the weight of costs and enhancing sheltered and solid wellbeing administrations. SSOT Health is specifically bolstered by blockchain innovation, which empowers the production of a more straightforward and secure social insurance stage. SSOT Health expects to make a human services framework, which empowers clients to freely deal with their therapeutic information, forestall information control, and make a less expensive and open wellbeing environment.

Beginning Development

SSOT Health was produced utilizing the help of blockchain innovation with a human services framework outlined in such a path by a group of experts to help the formation of a more solid and more quick witted medicinal services stage for clients. By utilizing an incorporated and decentralized framework, SSOT Health bolsters the production of a wellbeing administration which will be profoundly straightforward and free of control of patient information. Patients can specifically oversee and deal with their restorative information securely and effortlessly through the highlights gave by SSOT Health. SSOT Health makes a framework that will change human services to deal with the therapeutic records that patients have and how they interface straightforwardly with the restorative specialists. A few focuses to consider from SSOT Health administrations include:

SSOT Health

SSOT Blockchain Technology

SSOT Blockchain Solutions

The above focuses will be straightforwardly clarified on the base.


SSOT Health

SSOT Health will straightforwardly change the wellbeing administration framework far better by utilizing Blockchain innovation. By utilizing this innovation, it empowers the safe information of the patient to be securely put away utilizing a brilliant contract framework. All client claimed therapeutic records are specifically associated with Patient Global ID and are kept under approval by the client. SSOT Health additionally empowers the adaptation of client claimed information, as wellbeing records are a standout amongst the most imperative advanced resources controlled by patients. SSOT Health plans to give a superior and more ideal wellbeing administration by limiting expense and effectiveness costs for the protection business.

SSOT Blockchain Technology

SSOT Health is upheld straightforwardly by utilizing blockchain innovation called SSOT Blockchain Technology. This innovation will straightforwardly encode the information circulated in the framework and be secured specifically by utilizing the savvy contract framework. All exchanges will be straightforwardly approved utilizing an arrangement of SSOT fueled side chains.

SSOT Blockchain Solutions

SSOT Health has a few answers for actualizing Blockchain innovation to medicinal services frameworks, here are some of these arrangements;

EMR application, this application is specifically bolstered by blockchain innovation which enables clients to straightforwardly oversee restorative records or different highlights all the more effortlessly and securely.

SSOT BLOCKCHAIN ​​PHARMA, the framework is shaped on an AI premise which will help people, drug specialists, PBMs and medication makers in the inventory network.

SSOT BLOCKCHAIN ​​CLAIMS, this arrangement specifically secures and handles misrepresentation in different business lines in the protection business.

A more nitty gritty clarification of the above arrangements and different terms can be perused specifically to the whitepaper gave toward the finish of this article.

In Conclusion

SSOT Health intends to give a Healthcare Platform that will enable patients to deal with their restorative records and keep them sheltered and simple to utilize. SSOT Health will straightforwardly change the social insurance framework stunningly better by limiting the cost trouble and enhancing the human services framework for patients internationally by utilizing effective and clever blockchain innovation.


With this opportunity, SSOT Health welcomes you to extend this Platform to achieve the Broader Society. SSOT Health will discharge the Token under the name "SEHR Token", here is the information.

Interface WITH US






My bountyhive account username : icohunting


Hey @sadaruvan, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

This is a great project. The SSOT smart contract will help improve the health care systems in the world nd this will help people have good health state. I support this project

Health care system taking a new dimension through block chain,SSOT would take us there.

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