in #money7 years ago

LEVERAGE measurement of performance for the mining rig is expressed in hashes per second.
ETHEREUM CLASSIC ethereum is a blockchain-based decentralised platform for apps that run smart contracts, and is aimed at solving issues associated with censorship, fraud and third party interference.
CROWDSOURCING the pooling of resources such as information or money contributed by the general population, to a goal. this is usually done online via websites where people can donate.
MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE short form for ‘application specific integrated circuit’. often compared to gpus, asics are specially made for mining and may offer significant power savings.
ASIC a very dangerous threat for cryptocurrency users. often this comes with a severe attack on the network, creating an army of ‘zombie’ computers who simultaneously flood a targeted website or network with requests. this can cause a sustained downtime on said network or even make them crash completely.
HASH RATE in foreign or crypto currency trading, leverage multiplies the real funds in your account by a given factor, enabling you to make trades that result in significant profit. by giving leverage to a trader, the trading exchange is effectively lending them money, in the hope that it will earn back more than it loaned in commission. leverage is also known as a margin requirement.
TRANSACTION FEE is an intermediary used in trade to avoid the inconveniences of a pure barter system. fiat currencies are the generally accepted mediums of exchange. their most important and essential function is to provide a measure of value.
ETHEREUM all cryptocurrency transactions involve a small transaction fee. these transaction fees add up to account for the block reward that a miner receives when he successfully processes a block.
DISTRIBUTED DENIAL OF SERVICE (DDOS) a blockchain where the consensus process is controlled by a pre-selected set of nodes; for example, a consortium of 15 financial institutions.
CONSORTIUM BLOCKCHAIN a split from an existing cryptocurrency, ethereum after a hard fork.

LEVERAGE in foreign or crypto currency trading, leverage multiplies the real funds in your account by a given factor, enabling you to make trades that result in significant profit. by giving leverage to a trader, the trading exchange is effectively lending them money, in the hope that it will earn back more than it loaned in commission. leverage is also known as a margin requirement.
ETHEREUM CLASSIC a split from an existing cryptocurrency, ethereum after a hard fork.
CROWDSOURCING the pooling of resources such as information or money contributed by the general population, to a goal. this is usually done online via websites where people can donate.
MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE is an intermediary used in trade to avoid the inconveniences of a pure barter system. fiat currencies are the generally accepted mediums of exchange. their most important and essential function is to provide a measure of value.
ASIC short form for ‘application specific integrated circuit’. often compared to gpus, asics are specially made for mining and may offer significant power savings.
HASH RATE measurement of performance for the mining rig is expressed in hashes per second.
TRANSACTION FEE all cryptocurrency transactions involve a small transaction fee. these transaction fees add up to account for the block reward that a miner receives when he successfully processes a block.
ETHEREUM ethereum is a blockchain-based decentralised platform for apps that run smart contracts, and is aimed at solving issues associated with censorship, fraud and third party interference.
DISTRIBUTED DENIAL OF SERVICE (DDOS) a very dangerous threat for cryptocurrency users. often this comes with a severe attack on the network, creating an army of ‘zombie’ computers who simultaneously flood a targeted website or network with requests. this can cause a sustained downtime on said network or even make them crash completely.
CONSORTIUM BLOCKCHAIN a blockchain where the consensus process is controlled by a pre-selected set of nodes; for example, a consortium of 15 financial institutions.

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