Will steemit pay the bills?

in #money7 years ago (edited)

So we all want to get rich quick right. Most would like it to have happened yesterday, I know I sure would. Is steemit the platform for this? 

As with anything your are only going to get out of it what you put in. This is a truth that we cannot avoid. There is no real get rich quick scheme out there, at least not legal ones.. Just kidding. Now some people are definitely lucky but there are so few of them and even a smaller chance that we may win a lottery or have that million dollar idea. So lets face facts. I will be first to admit I will never win a lottery or stumble into a fortune, there is no buried treasure or pot of gold out there with my name on it. I will have to scrape and struggle for every last cent I get. And well Im good with that.  

To me this platform is a opportunity, not to get rich but to share my ideas, my passions with others, to meet and converse with like mined people. I can view art created by the next Pablo Picasso or read stories by the next Hemingway, Ayn Rand, or Hunter S Thompson. You never know who you might meet or encourage by commenting or posting your ideas. In doing this we may even make a little something for our efforts. It will not be easy nor should we expect it to be. Their is a wealth of knowledge on this platform and so many that are willing to share it. 

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Interests are as wide as the sea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   I will go from reading and learning about cryptocurrency one moment to looking for art to appreciate. That to me is one of the greatest things about steemit and to think that this platform is still in its infancy. I cannot wait to see how it grows. The possibilities are boundless. There are so many great people here that are willing to explain how to help grow your blog / brand that it makes my head spin. I have encountered so many helpful voices I cannot count, and they all will tell you as I am, this is not a get rich quick scheme by any means. You will have to work at it treat it like a job if you are wanting to make money at this. It is about being active creating good content, and then creating even better content the next time. It is about networking and interaction. It will be work but if you look at what they have already created and are constantly improving we should feel obligated to do our part to fill this space with value. We should strive to create content that will motivate, improve the quality of life, Improve the platform, or bring some joy to someone. This is our obligation as steemians. With hard work will come rewards!!

Like I said I can be all over the place I am new to cryptocurrency so I love to read and learn all I can about it. I really see this as the future of the financial world. Another thing I really enjoy is art, drawing, painting, photography, and many other forms. So I find myself spending time looking at and enjoying art, and I enjoy sharing it as well. I like to give someone the opportunity to see the world through my eyes through photography. I have a great love of classic cartoons as well 20's and 30's it was such a innocent time so simple so I share a few of my favorites on dtube. I also write from time to time mainly to help keep my sanity, and this I plan on sharing when I feel more comfortable. 

So can steemit pay  the bills? Well maybe we should look at it as How can I utilize steemit to connect with others help improve those around me and contribute to this platform in a positive way, and help improve myself at the same time. With that I feel you will find yourself enriched in more than one way. Just remember it will be a challenge there is no shortcut that will fulfill you and fill your pocket book, we must create in order to enrich those around us and ourself.

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Thanks for reading!


Nice article, we never get rich if we don't take any risk. Though you can make money work for you... I love the idea of trading and compound interest.

Steemit is a great way to share to people who is looking for a long term goal through blogging and investing in steem. I really like this platform except the politics. Though politics exists everywhere and I believe it starts at home.

What's your favorite quote?

Favorite quote Id have to go with .. "Happiness not in another place but this place not for another hour but for this hour" ~Walt Whitman~
Or "If you remember me, than I don't care if everyone else forgets" ~Haruki Murakami~ Those are two of my favorites.
I agree the key it to understand how to make money work for you. That is one reason I decided to try this out I'm glad i did.
Yes politics can suck it makes it hard to accomplish things and creates a pecking order that can be challenging to over come but the nice thing is on here we can build our own community and avoid certain users that create those issues may be a bit more challenging but its possible that is why some make so much the up vote each other with lots of steam power and make it hard to get any curation but with the right group it can build the same for others.

I believe that alot of people will get rich from steemit, there is already some whales that are making squillions!! But I also believe that the price of steem will gradually increase and we can all pay a bill or 2 in the future 😎 be patient young steemers, the future looks bright... peace out @crypto-expo

Yes there are some crazy money makers out there. I totally agree a little patients and work will go a long way!!

Gonna put lambo doors on my minivan....

Love it thats some goals there. I would like to see them on a gremlin..lmao

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steemit is the best for me social platform for me

Yes I totally agree. It is a amazing platform already I can't wait to see where it takes us. It is so much better than any other already.

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