If People Cared Half as Much about Budgeting and Investing their Finances as they did about Pursuing Pipe dreams of Winning the Lotto... We Would Have More Successful People!!

in #money6 years ago (edited)


Geesh, I know 1.6 billion dollars is a lot of money. But the odds are 1 in 302 mil in winning. Yet people all over the US are talking prematurely how they will spend the money once they win this Mega Lotto.

If Only...

they got excited about looking for realistic income and investment opportunities that have such better odds...well I think financially they would be better off !

People are Addicted to "what if" Conversation among each other...

I have been in internet marketing for well over 10 years. It's amazing how people love to talk about this idea and how that idea could make them money and just reminiscence about it all in conversation. But fail to put anything into action.


Do not get caught up in the "what if" mentality. "What if I win" the Lotto etc..etc...Just get out there and put things into Action and things that actually have reasonable odds of providing Success. Not some fairy tale notion of winning the Lotto ;)

Nuff said

Robert Andrew
Source of Pic at Top


Often it is those who purchase cigarettes and liquor in the largest quantities that also purchase the lottery tickets.

It's an escape from their life.

Little did they know they could use the money spent on those vices to ACTUALLY escape from a poor life, if they only invested wisely for a period of time and let compound interest work its magic.

In my opinion, we want success just through short cut. We are too much greedy. We want to get money without effort and hard work. isn't it crazy? it is crazy thought.

Posted using Partiko Android

I have to agree with you there this fanacital dream of recieving an insane amount of money that will solve all your problmes for doing basically nothing but purchasing a ticket with some numbers on sounds great it really does. By all means don't let anyone stop you from entering just dont make it your be all and end all strategy. Learn to create multiple sources of income in the mean time.

The lotto and concepts like it also drive this narrative that a life of excess is the most satisfying lifeand works for everyone. I believe if you just take a step back and think about what you spending on and do you need it some of us will find they have enough to live and be happy

Also I once heard a quote that said the lottery is nothing but an idiot tax, lol i like that line

I couldn't agree more. There have always been those individuals who seek to find the easy way out of life and, unfortunately, more often than not end up putting themselves in a worse position than they were when they started by living in a dream from which they cannot escape.

There is a way out through hard work and dedication, yet those individuals who seek out the "cheat code" for life are too busy looking in all directions to actually see that truth which has been is in front of them the whole time.

That's ok though; more honest money for you and me 😎 Thanks for sharing.

De verdad que es un buen tema @robertandrew muchos viven de fantasias y se piensan que ganar la loteria es fácil pero tenemos que buscar buenas y mejores soluciones para lograrlo

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