Early Retirement Progress Tracking Feb-March 2018

in #money6 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Early Retirement Progress Tracking Feb-March 2018

I've moved to Hive, along with most other people, following Justin Sun's takeover of Steem in the Spring of 2020. I believe hive is a lot more decentralised than Steem!


Looks like you are doing well and your goal is within reach. Do you know how you will close the gap (the missing £500 you mentioned)? Will you continue to teach privately a few hours a week? I ask as I am considering retiring early and need ideas to bridge the gap between income and expenses!

Yup probably tuition - hopefully online. Its a no brainer for me.

Makes sense. You get the benefit of having an income but the flexibility of deciding who/ when/ where/ how long etc! Sounds like a good bridge between work and full retirement.

I guess all investments are a gamble at some time or another, even property has taken a hit several times over the past thirty years. I think your last point about short vs long term investment is the key one.

Absolutely, it's the main reason I want to live as money free as possible in the future. Once I've got that damn mortgage paid off, and quit this damn job, and can really start to move on this! Not long now!

This looks a damn sight better than my 'statement', if I was to do one!

Once the 'College' income ceases, there will be a need to boost other areas if you want HP sauce on your Heinz beans - best of luck with the move in location and the new lifestyle!

But not if I want home grown garlick on my home grown butter beans!

Brand names, honestly now!


I long for UK brand names, not a lot of HP round here. If there was it would be a luxury item for sure 😊

Equity is just an imaginary number until people actually sell. I think you have the right attitude when it comes to equity. Personally, it gets tiring to hear how much equity people think they have when really they have no clue.

Do you have plans for how you'll increase your income by the 500?

As always an inspiration to see your journey. Thank you for sharing.

Equity is a fortunate fiction if you live in Surrey!
As to the £500 - I could probably just do tuition.

Equity is a fortunate fiction if you live in Surrey!
As to the £500 - I could probably just do tuition.

Nice, coming together now.

I'm surprised about the watch purchase. What made you buy it so quickly?

I got stuck in front of the shopping channel - Earnshaw Watches came on- founded 1805 London watxh maker. I love 19C British history and Ive always loved mechanical xloxks/;watches - its real perty too!

https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=bSfYWuSuCMmZsAeKtLbQCw&q=earnshaw+stainless+strap&oq=ear&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.1.0.35i39l3j0i67l2.1821.2462..3670...1....94.239.3..........1..mobile-gws-wiz-hp.....3..0i131.aEUKYM5fu0g%3D#imgrc=4-dsL0FQXjWRrM: (mines wout gold trim just pure steel).

Besides by good fortunemy beard is now very 19th century so it kind of works!

And its see through - you can see the winding mexhanism the cogs moving and its got a great ticking sound.

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