
As is the "fact" that three and only three high-rise steel structures have ever collapsed on account of fires and did so on one and the same day, mindful that the two tallest structures were specifically designed to withstand jumbo-jet impacts.

Well yes, among many other equally disturbing facts..

That's why I don't consider the debate of whether 9/11 was false flag to be tinfoil hatting at all, because it is a rational, logical, fact-based debate, not some kind of paranoid delirium about fictional non-sense. But because conspiracy theories in general have been and are still being actively ridiculed and marginalized by associating them as often as possible with cheap science fiction plots in mainstream media and astroturfed away on social media and online forums, all the real, valid, sound, rational "theories" that actually paint a clear picture of the political situation are being lost in the bulk of nonsense, and discredited and banalized so that when they end up being officially acknowledged 50 years later, this doesn't surprise anyone anymore and fails to trigger the upheaval that a sudden credible release would have caused.

Public opinion, history and facts are constantly being manipulated. The USA couter-intellignece is so good at that they managed to fool the germans for years during WWII. And back then they were noobs. So it's of the utmost important that the most publicly visible figured in the anarchist movement stick to strictly rational and fact-based discourse that offers no attack surface to deformation as this is the only way to be immune to the lumped-together-with-tinfoil-hatting-nonsense attack.

That's the reason I'm calling out TDV on his allusion to a secret multi-generation global conspiracy. He is free to think what he wants, but that's not factual, and it doesn't help the anarchist movement if people who have influence keep making highly questionable faith statements like that. It's also useless, because whoever is actually behind the current very broken society structure, that doesn't change anything to the way the problem can be addressed. Either way power will be reclaimed by acting on the ground against the visible structure, by desintermediating financial institution, decentralizing markets, decentralizing social networks, decentralizing media, decentralizing governance, blacking out on communications, and eventually reaching a state of decentralized shadow governance that has enough popular support to actually overthrow the current system. It's entirely irrelevant to know who the real villains are: old world families, satanic cultists, secret societies, illuminati, lizard men ... or just the same old network of corrupt technocrats, bankers, and industry magnates who meet up in Davos every year (Ocam's razor suggests the latter). Just pick what you like, but don't use that to try to give a false air of mystery and depth to what you are saying. It's already an entirely known fact that the governance structure of the first world is rotten to the core, and that's more than enough to justify our cause. So let's focus on what is broken and what we can do about it and let the tinfoil-hatting nonsense to Reddit.

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